In the past, I was a U.S. Army Cavalry Scout(21 yrs)- Retired. A dead Spirit. Knowing/Feeling the Truth of Natural Law (Gods Law/ Universal Law/ Karmic Law) and acting in accordance with unwavering Moral Right, will free Society of Immoral bonds. None are born with more "Rights" or "Authority" than any other. Costumes, Titles, Beliefs, nor Wealth will ever change that Fact. The Body, Spirit, and Soul are the exclusive "Property" of the Man or Woman from Birth to Death. The experience gained with the Body and Spirit, are what builds, destroys, and/or rebuilds the Soul of the individual. My "Temple" is my minds Conciousness.  My "House" is my Hearts Empathy. My Soul is my Infinite Spirit that has Unified physically for a Finite Experience of Infinite potential. We are All that same Potential. Lex Non Scripta Ron