"Chivalrous" is a person who believes in the "code of Chivalry" - especially when respecting one's foes as humans and only using necessary force to protect and defend those who are defenseless against their oppressors, also having genuine respect for all women as people, not as objects. Chivalry is a "knightly code" : Respect towards all humanity, to always be brave and fearless about respecting human dignity whether friend or foe. Chivalry also rightly includes treating all women with dignity and respect, as Laddies; being polite and courteous to them, irrespective of how they behave in kind. I am a chivalrous person. I am also a neurologically brain damaged, disabled, and handicapped US Military Veteran; proof of Military Service video is on this channel. Video games help me rebuild lost functions inside my brain helping to restore every day life independences. Mostly this channel is to share with my friends, and to keep 'time capsule' memories of my gameplay sessions for me.