Calvinism UNTIL THE WELL SPOKEN COME TO THIS DEBATE AND FIGHT, I WILL DO IT. STEVE TASSI My videos do not only represent hyper Calvinism but they accurately represent modern Calvinism sometimes called Neo Calvinism. I am not mad at Calvinists. I love you. If my videos seem serious or my comments seem blunt it is merely because I feel Calvinism greatly misrepresents the character of God. I have disabled comments. I wont be answering them for times sake. Dr. Henry Morris, The Genesis Record, "Therefore, if God created people with the purpose of bestowing His love on them, His purpose must also have included a mutual and reciprocated love on their parts. But love, by its very nature, must be voluntary. An automaton cannot love it's maker. If they are really to love God, men and women must be able to choose of their own will to love God, in response to God's love for them. An involuntary love is a contradiction in terms and there can be no such thing".