There is a growing number of people becoming aware of historic writings of antiquity to use a fancy word... I am referring to Christians who penned writings from the 80 to 300 AD that depict how Christianity really was, as handed down from the Apostles. These Ante Nicene (ANF) writings took many forms: some are monologues intended for a particular group of individuals, some were at that time accepted as suitable for Spiritual edification and likely treated just as scripture (Epistle of Barnabas, Pastor of Hermas). Some of them were Apologies (meaning a defense) on behalf of Christianity, to the reigning leaders of the day against the rumors and lies being made about the Christians (people influenced by demons). Now why did they disparage them? Because they really came out of the world, stopped following its ways, as the apostles teach in the New Testament. These writings are making me reexamine what the NT actually teaches, & that Jesus intended serious adherence to his words.