Welcome to The SDG by ZAC! My name is Zac and this is The SDG: Soli Deo Gloria. This Latin phrase means "to God alone be the glory". As God's creation, we were designed and created in the image of God with the ultimate purpose of glorifying God by enjoying Him forever. This channel will seek to point you back to the God who created you, and help you to bring glory to Him in every aspect of your life: spiritual, emotional, and physical life, relationships, marriage, parenting, student or professional career, and more. God is holy, and we are not. We have sought to not give Him the glory that He deserves as our Creator. Because of our sin, we are separated from God, radically depraved in our nature by Adam's fall, ultimately dead in our sins. But God is rich in mercy and sent His Son Jesus to die for His people (Eph.2:1-10). Jesus lived the perfect life that you and I were supposed to live, and then was condemned to die the death that you and I deserved to die, the just for the unjust.