Power of Christ, The. As the Son of God, is the power of God. John 5:17-19 But Jesus answered them, The Healing Power of Christ Jesus Christ is the Master Healer and He has a plan to bring healing to your life. To glorify Christ, employees must obey with an expectation of God’s judgment and reward. To glorify Christ, employers must treat workers the way they want to be treated. To glorify Christ, employers must focus on positive enforcement rather than negative. To glorify Christ, employers must remember the lordship of Christ.The same Christ who worked in them and through them in that day, is the same changeless Christ who wills to work in and through His people in these last days. If the people of God expect to perform the works of Christ which shall glorify the Father, they must believe on Him for the very work's sake, and pray in …The same Christ who worked in them and through them in that day, is the same changeless Christ who wills to work in and through His . The love of Christ.