Welcome to the Official Channel of Unleavened Bread Ministries! On this Channel, we regularly post videos of David Eells teachings, which many have heard all over the United States and the world. From David, In the parable of the sower the seed of the Word, who is Jesus, is sown into the hearts of men to bring forth His fruit in them. In the last 4 verses of the Bible, we are warned not to add or subtract from these supernatural words or we miss that fruit and live under the curses. The Unleavened Bread Ministry of the Word manifests "Christ in you, the hope of glory.” I have learned that it is not I, living the Christian life and doing the works of Christ, but I accepting my death so that Christ may live and do His works through me. "I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I that live, but Christ living in me! Jesus Christ [is] the same yesterday and today, [yea] and forever! Please visit our ????WEBSITE https://www.ubm1.org