Holy Spirit inspired content. Weekly sermon and daily short message with subscriber led prayer requests as well as prayers related to relevant topics. Channel aim is to become one of the largest prayer ministry in the world not in subscriber numbers alone but in the actual setting up of and establishing prayer centres in countries and cities around the world. This ministry is tasked with the upliftment and development of prayer warriors and the leading of souls to the feet of the Lord God Almighty. We want you to be supercharged after every viewing and go out and live the life of victory in Jesus's Name. We aim to show and teach the living of a fearless life in Christ and to put your faith into action and activate the Holy Spirit that dwells within all of us to lead us in God's will. We are also called and tasked with uplifting families and individuals who have fallen on bad times and need healing and restoration, through prayer, counselling, life coaching and establishing trust. Amen