Welcome to my official YouTube Channel! (DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE) Over the last several years I have been in a process of defining and discovering who I am. The sole focus of this mission was birthed by a baptism of anguish the Lord Jesus had used to bring me to a place of discovery. For years I have felt stuck between generations and ideologies. It wasn't until recently that I surrendered completely and decided to not hide my fears or insecurities anymore. Being a Pastor and Missionary, this was no easy task. Everything I had worked so hard for would now be at stake. So this is me, This is who I am. If you don't like me, it is what it is. My goal is to not be offensive, but honest. I desire for the Church of Jesus the Christ to unite and come together for this end-time harvest. However, that will only be possible through the working and conviction of the Holy Spirit. Together, let us learn the scriptures and encourage faith in each other.