I am Ayob the son of Ayob. I am a Scribe, Cartographer, Herbalist, Artist, Scholar, Archer,Farmer, Teacher, Father, Husband and servant of Yah. My birth name is Job Levine.. Job means hated, Persecuted or Enemy. Moreh means three things. 1: Archer; As a man fashions a bow and dedicates it to the hunt, and makes his arrows sharp for accuracy, so will I fashion my videos and dedicate them to a mass awakening, and sharpen my lessons for truth and perfection. 2:Rain; Deut. 32:2- the Teachings of Moshe will drop on the Earth as Rain, And I will do my best to allow that to happen. Being of the line of his brother Aharon, (Yah revealed to it me in dreams and visions) I will allow the ancient knowledge to reappear on earth. 3:Teacher -I have dedicated my life to teaching righteousness. I was 13 years old in this truth journey, started this channel at 15, and am currently 20 years old. My teachings are not my own, they are of Moshe, Aharon and Yahuah of hosts.