Esoteric Thoughts seeks to provoke deeper thought about life, religion, the bible, mythology and spirituality. This platform encourages open discussion about christianity and spirituality, and why we believe what we believe. It takes the latter half of all one’s lifetime to unlearn the falsehood that was instilled into us during the earlier half. Generation after generation we learn, unlearn, and re-learn the same stories and beliefs passed down to us, without truly "understanding" the stories and beliefs. Mythology arose out of typology, and religion was developed from the mythology, not the mythology from religion; but to begin with a conception of the one hidden God is to make religion precede mythology. Thus the premise of this platform is - to discuss the things that are hidden from us, to address the questions that we have sought answers to and never obtained a satisfactory answer, to be led by facts and evidence rather than by faith and to develop your own spiritual connection.