Our Vision A loving family, dependent on the Holy Spirit, committed to the Word, growing in grace, reaching out in mercy. Our Mission We will develop and deploy fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ to disciple our family, community, and world. Core Values Biblical: We will joyfully advance timeless biblical truth, compassionately applying it to today's world. Spirit-Filled: We will initiate every endeavor with prayer, expecting the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit to enable us to be and do all that Christ intends. Loving: We will reach across generations and cultures as a welcoming family, growing together in grace. Mission-Driven: We will live as missionaries making disciples in our homes, across the street, and around the world. Principled: We will follow biblical principles with transparency and without regard for convenience or cost. Want to connect with us? Go here for more info: https://bit.ly/3rlz4fX