Speaker: Rev. Daniel
Acts 19:8-20

How do you define faith in Christ?

A. Faith that was Recognized
i. The Faithfulness of men
- It began with 12 men who were faithful to the Word and the preaching of the gospel.
ii. Their Faith recognized
- Extraordinary miracles happened by God through the apostles

B. Faith that was Refuted
i. Even the devil recognized it
- “Jesus I know, Paul I recognized, but who are you?”
ii. the devil refuted it
- “the evil spirit leaped on them, mastered all of them and overpowered them…”

C. Faith that was Real
- Faith is believing in the head and trusting in the heart.
- Faith is evident by one’s commitment

God is looking for men and women who are faithful, whose faith is real. Is yours real?

讲员: 丘其威牧师


A. 被认可的信心
i. 人的忠心
- 它始于12位忠于上帝的话语和传福音的人。
ii. 他们的信心得到认可
- 上帝藉着使徒行了非凡的神迹奇事。

B. 被驳斥的信心
i. 连恶鬼都认出来了
- “耶稣我认识,保罗我也知道。你们却是谁呢?”
ii. 恶鬼驳斥它
- “恶鬼所附的人就跳在他们身上,胜了其中二人,制伏他们。。。”

C. 真实的信心
- 信心是脑里相信,心里信靠
- 信心可从一个人的委身中显明
