Brian Morgan begins his series in the life of Jacob’s favored son, Joseph. The Joseph narrative dramatically details a broken family is transformed and an evil empire is overcome. Joseph is the recipient of dreams, but he has no idea how God will fulfill them, as his dreams first provoke jealousy and hate which escalate to abduction, slavery and prison. This text could not be more relevant to our current world that is riddled with hate, bigotry and impenetrable division. Brian prays that God will use these sacred texts to transform us into “ambassadors for Christ,” bringing the gift of reconciliation to the church and the waiting world. Becca Singley hosts, Liviu and Camilla Bocaniala lead us in worship and Lisa shares the kid's message. Joe Dabaghian and Tim Paaske are commissioned as new elders. Learn more about our church at If you'd like to contact us, do so at