Through the Bible with Les Feldick
ISAIAH 2:3 – 42:6
A lot of these intervening chapters have just been God’s prophetic judgment on the nations around Israel; on Babylon, Syria, and so on and so forth. Now, I want to jump up to Isaiah 24 verse 1 where the prophet now leaps definitely to the time of the Tribulation. This is not the Babylonian invasion of 606 BC and not 70 AD, but this is the final wrath of God, the Tribulation that will bring the planet to the end of time as we know it and usher in the Second Coming and that glorious Kingdom.
"Behold, the LORD (Now, remember the word LORD, in the Old Testament, is God the Son, Jehovah.) maketh the earth empty, (Now, we’re talking about the whole earth. Isaiah 24:3
Now, here I think the word "land" is referring to the nation of Israel. Now, in verse 4 we come to the whole planet.
"The earth (all of it) mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish."
"The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof;…" Isaiah 24:5b
Aids. Isaiah 24:5c
Isaiah 24:6a
Never forget that. "Righteousness exalteth a nation; sin is a reproach for any people." Isaiah 24:6b
"…therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned,…" I think nuclear holocaust. I don’t think God is going to let it happen. Isaiah 24:6c
Well, there’ll be some survivors. Remember, that the 144,000 Jewish men have been circling the globe, now, for nearly seven years preaching salvation, not based on our Gospel of Grace, but based on the Gospel of the Kingdom as Jesus and the Twelve preached it. Matthew 24:3-4a
4. And Jesus answered and said unto them…" The six seal judgments in Revelation chapter 6 come right down the pike like Jesus unfolds it here in Matthew 24. Matthew 24:14
"And this (that is the one that he and the Twelve have been preaching now) gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world (not just Israel) for a witness unto (what?) all nations (and when it’s reached all the nations, then what?) and then shall the end come." Listen, Jesus never expected the Church to reach all the nations of the world. He was talking about the 144,000 during the Tribulation. The King is coming! The King is in our midst, He’s offering the Kingdom. We preach, or proclaim, that "Christ died for the sins of the world. All right, Revelation 7 verse 9, after 12,000 out of each tribe have been sealed, and commissioned:
Revelation 7:9a
Revelation 7:9b
Revelation 7:13-14a
"Few men were left;" just a few survivors. Some that have never responded to the Gospel of the Kingdom, but some that will have. The earth is going to be renovated, remodeled, regenerated, reconstituted, whatever you want to call it, and it’s going to be made ready now for this glorious heaven-on-earth Kingdom. But, you’ve got to have people. You’ve got to have people, and you can’t have just the nation of Israel. You’ve got to have all the nations. Let’s pick up why I’m making the point that we have to have flesh and blood people in Revelation chapter 20 and verse 7. All right, you got it?
Revelation 20:7-8a
All right, now these nations of people who have come on the scene during the thousand year reign of Christ, born of human parents, they will follow Satan, as we see in verse 9:
Revelation 20:9
All right, so you’ve got to realize that the thousand year Kingdom rule is going to bring about multitudes of people, probably at least as many as we’ve got on the planet right now tonight.
Miracle of miracles they’ve survived it. But, there are also some lost people who have survived. All right, here we are, Matthew 25 verse 31, and remember this is the Lord Himself rehearsing it. Matthew 25:31-32a
All the nations of the world will simply be represented by survivors. Okay? Matthew 25:32b
"…as a shepherd divides his sheep from his goats:" Now, that’s just (what’s the word?) a simile? Well, he separates them. All right, verse 34:
Matthew 25:34
say unto them on his right hand, (the sheep, the believers) Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:" That’s why I’m always saying from Genesis all the way up through Scripture what’s it talking about? The Kingdom. The Kingdom. The Kingdom. This glorious rule of Christ on the earth!
All right, so the believing survivors of the Gentile world are told to enter into the Kingdom prepared from the foundation of the world. All right, now, I’m speculating. If we’re going to have nations of people at the end of the thousand years from all quarters of the earth, what does that tell you about these people? As well as all the other nations around the world, there will be survivors from every one. All right, so consequently, Jesus is speaking on behalf of those 144,000 Jews and He says:
39. Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?"
