Are we all required to be physically baptized invoking the name 'Jesus' out loud in order to be saved and receive remission of sins?

Mark 1:4 and Luke 3:3 also says "for the remission of sins" regarding John's baptism. This certainly doesn't prove John's baptism was the means of forgiveness for his disciples. It was the sign of their repentance and forgiveness. Same principle applies to Acts 2:38. Even the book of Acts strongly teaches that forgiveness and salvation is through repentance and faith rather than works (2:21, 5:31, 8:22, 10:43, 17:30, 20:21). Acts 10:43:

" To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH in him shall receive remission of sins. " (KJV)

It's interesting that those in Acts 19 were baptized "Unto John's baptism" (v.3) and then after were baptized "in the name of the Lord Jesus." It's possible to say they were baptized in the name of John (by John's authority or coming under his discipleship). But we don't know the exact words said at their baptisms. This is an interesting point. Plus Jesus certainly wasn't baptized in Jesus' name.

I created a second (shorter) version for Acts 2:38 because I believe it is vitally important to address due to the lost souls in Oneness Pentecostalism. An outward, physical sign is not essential for the salvation of a soul: the Lord looks at the heart. Someone who has genuine repentance towards God and faith in Christ will be saved (Acts 20:21).

What about the Muslim in Mecca (no churches or non-Muslims allowed) who repents and receives Jesus by faith and receives the Holy Ghost but is murdered for his faith before being baptized? Will God send him to hell for not being immersed in water? This is how wrong, unbiblical and illogical the Oneness Pentecostal view of salvation is.

Here's the longer version on Acts 2:38:

Some helpful videos:

'A Biblical Case for the Trinity in 5 minutes' :
'An Easy Way to Refute Oneness Pentecostalism' :
'Was the early church mostly oneness?' :
'A Brief History of Oneness Pentecostalism' :
'The apostle John was a Trinitarian' :
'RAPID FIRE VERSES: The Eternal Son':
'Three persons in one context' :
'Does "Let Us Make Man" Prove the Trinity?' :
'Debate: Trinity vs. Oneness (Smith vs. Ritchie)' :

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