This week Bible Study titled " Leaving Gospel Fruit For More Gospel Fruit" from The Book of Acts 8:26-40

We are going to continuing on this week in the story God has put in scripture for us. That He had inspired; locked forever in His Word, reveling for us the mission of the gospel of Jesus christ from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth.

And where we have just left off is Samaria.

The gospel mission in Samaria was as fruitful as could of been imagined and probably beyond imagination.

In chapter 8 verse 12 were told: (read)

Down in verse 25 Peter and John after they had spent some time with the Samaritans.

So they meander their way back to Jerusalem preaching the gospel everywhere they went. Samaria had been prepared uniquely by God to be a ripe mission field.

So as the apostle Peter and John make there way back to Jerusalem you might expect that what we would read next in Acts chapter 8 would be Philip would continue his work among the Samaritans.

After all this is a new growing church and they need to be established in the gospel.

What a time to capitalize on, what a time to strengthen and what a opportunity to continue to build upon.

BUT the gospel mission doesn't run on human engineunlty, it doesn't on human logic or even human stratigery

What Luke is carefully to reveal to us next is what the Holy Spirit is up to on the gospel mission.

if you remember in Acts chapter 1 verse 8; that this is the kind of verse that set the paradigm for how the whole book of acts unfolds.

The Apostles were to wait until the Holy Spirit came and when He came they would have the Spirits power.

Once the Holy Spirit had come and filled the Apostles the mission of the gospel would take place in Jerusalem and make it way outside of Jerusalem into Judea and Samaria and that's where we've been in chapter 8. and It's eventually going beyond that to remotest parts of the earth.

So the Holy Spirit is the One.

The Apostles understood the Holy Spirit was the One.

The One Setting the agenda for the gospel mission.

They understood the Holy Spirit was primary and their were secondary.

They understood that the Holy Spirit was central to their participation in the gospel.

They're not participating and God comes along and gives them a boost of the Spirit; No, the Holy Spirit is the One who has come and He is the one that will lead forth the mission of the gospel and the only way that's going to happen is He comes and fills witnesses of Jesus Christ

What we get to discover today in Act chapter 8 is just how much the Holy Spirit is in control of the gospel mission even down to the most specific of details.

So Philip can't stay in Samaria, no matter how counter intrusive it's seems to us for him to leave.

No matter how much gospel fruit there is still to be harvested in Samaria

Philip needs to go. Why? Because the Holy Spirit has a Divine appoint for him.

He has set up a Divine appoint between Philip and a gentile.

This provides for us the revelation that the Holy Spirit is in control of mission and it also gives us a preview of what is coming in the pages to follow in Acts; that the gospel is going to go even go beyond Samaritans to a gentile.

This passage I hope today is going to only increase your confidence that God knows what he is doing with gospel mission.

The Holy Spirit is indeed still even today the primary reason the gospel is still expanding today still.

It's not because really faithful diligent people get it and want to go; that's part of it BUT that's secondary.

God is in control of the gospel mission as much today as he was even than

it should lead you to trust God in your part that you play in the gospel mission.

God is trustworthy; The Spirit of God is trustworthy.

and the other thing that I would hope it would produce in me and you; this is so much still like the starting line of the gospel mission we are in the early pages of Acts and we are see how the Spirit is in setting the course.

Wouldn't it be great if in our lifetime we saw the Spirit of God bring us across the finish line.

Have you ever thought of that?

That in our life the gospel mission would come across the finish line.

These man and these woman in early pages got to hear the gun shot and they took off running

What if we got to cross the tape. the Spirit of God is at work

it going to come to a end some day this is not endless hamster wheel.

This is a course that set our by Him. you see it in the beginning and he is just as active in the end. How close are we?

What's this passage all about?

The Spirits' Impressive control of the gospel mission

and it unfold for us in 6 steps.

1. The Divine Direction for Philip. 8:26-29
2. The Teachableness of the Etiopian Eunuch. 8:30-31
3. The challenge within the gospel. 8:32-34
4. The Gospelizing of Jesus. 8:35-38
5. The Spirit's direction for Philip (again). 8:39
6. The faithfulness and gospleizing of Philip (again). 8:40