Here are some study questions based on this passage:

1) In what way do the four living creatures show what all creation was created to do (vs. 9)? Compare Romans 1:21 - similar language to vs. 9, although reversed among fallen creatures.
2) Do you worship God for His sovereignty as "him who is seated on the throne" (vs. 9)? Do you merely agree with what the Bible teaches about God's sovereignty over creation (vs. 11) and in salvation (Ephesians 1:3-14), or do you delight in it? Recall the testimony of Jonathan Edwards.
3) How do the 24 elders show their deep reverence for God as they worship? What does this tell us about how worship is expressed? In what ways does the Bible talk about what we do with our bodies in worship? How can we grow in expressing "body language" in worship that reflects an appropriate reverence for God?
4) From vs. 11 and Romans 11:36, is it biblical to say that God's highest purpose for all creation and His ultimate reason for creating all things is to bring Him glory?
5) What is significant about the phrase "by your will they existed and were created" (vs. 11)? See also Ephesians 1:5, 11, where our salvation is set in the context of something far broader and bigger than our own lives - God's eternal and comprehensive will by which He reigns over all things.

Finally, read through this passage and spend time meditating/reflecting on how its truth should:
1) Deepen our humility before God and our dependence on God
2) Increase our trust in God for our full earthly and eternal security
3) Shape our worship and strengthen our awe and praise of God for who He is