Iglesia ni Cristo uses this verse to support their idea that Manalo is a prophet called by God from the east in the Philippines to fulfill His purpose. But is this really the intention of the context? Why would Felix Manalo be called a "bird of prey" anyway? And can we prove from Isaiah that the bird of prey is actually Cyrus the Great from Persia?

First off, the Philippines is actually more southeast than east of Israel whereas Persia and its capital is directly east. Cyrus was often represented as an eagle, a bird of prey, and Isaiah 45:1 mentions him by name and Isaiah 41:2 uses similar terms connecting the three verses together as referring to King Cyrus. Felix Manalo has nothing to do with Isaiah's prophecy, the nation of Israel, Israel's enemies etc. and is not the one who subdues kings and nations (Isaiah 41:2).

Felix Manalo came 2600 years after the the time of Isaiah and has zero relevance to what Isaiah 46:11 is all about. The World Mission Society Church of God ALSO use this verse in attempt to prove their "Christ" Ahnsahnghong messiah from Korea is in the Bible. The verse has nothing to do with Korea and nothing to do with the Philippines.

Therefore it's ironic that INC boldly claims EVERYTHING they teach is directly from the Bible and yet we can't find anything anywhere in the Bible about Felix Manalo their so-called prophet.

For further refutation of INC's usage of this verse please see this article "Is Felix Y Manalo the bird of prey in Isaiah 46:11?":
