Does hot passionate love just happen to people? Does it come about by chance? Does love wear off?You’re just going about your business, and wham, love shows up?! No, I don’t believe it does.
Sure. One can experience a high level of physical attraction to another (lust) and a sense that our personalities match very well (compatibility). We can feel the “butterflies” and become obsessed with someone else (infatuation). But to be passionate lovers in relationship for a long time, to experience a mature love, takes intentionality. Infatuation wears off, idealization fades, and challenges are sure to come. And if there is nothing substantive beneath the heat, the relationship will come to an end.
Romantic love must be pursued. That is because we must break past a shallow understanding of the other person to build attachment, care about their wellbeing, and feel safe enough to share our inner self in intimacy.
The early days of a relationship may be likely filled with excitement and intensity. But, as trust, contentment, and intimacy are built with one another, the couple reaches a compassionate love that is longer lasting and more profound.
This devotional is not about marriage. Whether you are single, dating, or married, I hope today’s devotional reminds you to be intentional and prayerful about your intimate relationships.

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Key Bible verses: Genesis 24:56-58

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