Today I am sharing Exodus 3:11. Where just after God is speaking from a miraculously burning bush. God says He will send Moses to liberate Israel from Egyptian slavery. Moses understands the mission. He repeats the exact calling of going and bringing the Israelites out of Egypt. The mission is overwhelming and massive. He responds to God's call with doubt. He does not see himself as the best person to go free the Jews. He doesn’t see himself as the best leader for the task.

Exodus 3:11
'But Moses protested to God, “Who am I to appear before Pharaoh? Who am I to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt?”'

We have all felt this way in times of difficulty. We have all felt inadequate or that maybe there is a better choice in someone else. Know this! If God chose you, you show up and go!

God often calls the most unlikely people to accomplish His greatest tasks. Now God is calling an eighty-year-old exiled shepherd to rescue slaves from the hands of the world's most powerful ruler. Moses realizes the difficulty of the mission. Only God's power would be sufficient to accomplish it. God’s response… I’ll be with you.
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