During our 5-fold episodes we never really gave a history of the 5-fold office thinking so we’ll begin with that today and recap those 4 episodes before we look at the other gifts and how we should look at the church as a body of many gifts working together and not a hierarchical system with 5 gifts on the top.

X44 Article written last March:
Most of the Pentecostal world believes in the 5 fold ministry, and as I don’t disagree with most anything said or taught about the 5 fold gifts specifically, I can also see how this term has become controversial and often thought of as divisive within the body of Christ towards the other gifts. I also Theologically cringe any time a doctrine or movement seems to be derived in large part by a singular text. (In this way the use of Ephesians to frame the 5 fold ministry as a doctrine has often been claimed as a “proof text.”)

One of the first things to consider is that Paul gave us two other lists elsewhere in his epistles. The lists vary from this one significantly. This list in Ephesians wasn’t intended to be a doctrinal model; if it was the NT or Paul sure didn’t do a very good job of articulating that. If the intention was to present the list as a model of hierarchy in the church, I would think it would have been presented much differently. In other words, the laws of hermeneutics simply don’t allow a scholar reader to interpret this way. To my point, 1 Corinthians 12 would speak to an 8 fold ministry where the order is different. In the same way Romans 12 presents yet another list. This Seven Fold list moves leadership to the very bottom, just ahead of showing mercy, and it moves service, teaching and encouragement to the top. It takes some theological gymnastics to make a doctrine out of the list in Ephesians. We will get into this a bit more in depth later in the film.

Understanding a 3 grace context of gifting
At the time of the writing of the gifts in the New Testament Paul describes what was known as the three graces or the reciprocal dance of grace. I have used this expression several times in my writings (and in my second book of the This is the Way trilogy series. [The Roman writer] Seneca explains the image of three dancing connected by grace: a benefit ‘passing from hand to hand nevertheless returns to the giver; the beauty of the whole is destroyed if the course is anywhere broken’ (Seneca, [De Beneficiis, 1.3.3-4). The “three graces” picture visually represented how grace was understood to function in the first century Greco-Roman world in which Paul wrote. Grace (charis) originated with a generous giver usually thought of as the Benefactor. Often the Benefector was introduced to one in need by a mediator. The gift was then accepted by the recipient (client) who in his or her thankfulness and gratitude in turn extended the gift (grace) to others, and this in turn benefited the original giver. The recipient in many ways became a representative of the Benefactor to those in the Benefactors society. Coaching or mentoring towards what the Benefactor desired was often nurtured through the mediator to the recipient. It became a continual relationship between the three entities. In this unbroken circle, everyone was understood to benefit. The appreciation was a circle of incredible equality. Essentially it removed hierarchical barriers. Each part was met with equal gratitude. In this sense, God works through Christ in us as we freely receive the gift and continue to give all of it to others as they are then introduced in the same way through the mediator to the father. Jesus (who was and is God) emptied himself completely. Everything is freely given and should be gratefully accepted and received.

• 5-fold gifts and the other lists (7 and 8-fold?) are not about hierarchy but about building up the body of Christ.
• The church is a body- a mutual and co-equal body- that reflects Jesus. There is no hierarchy in giftings.
• These giftings don’t lead to an office though some might lead or administrate in their gifting better than others based on maturity and humility- we should all mutually submit to each other.
• Faith, Hope, and Love are the foundation for exercising our gifts. It should all be done in edification and grace towards each other. Be incarnational!
• There should be a recognition and celebration of people’s gifts- especially the behind the scenes and “on the street” type that aren’t in front of people.
• Order- we need to use our gift in an order. It is not about self-elevation but about building up the body.
o Serving Christ is the purpose in the gathering. When the gifts are displayed people are built up, Christ is displayed and glorified, and the church is discipled.
• Identify your gift and use it- the body of Christ is counting on you and suffers when you don’t.

For questions and comments please email us at ryan@expedition44.com or matt@expedition44.com.