Have you ever been in a huge crowd of people (probably before COVID) yet felt invisible to others? Unless you’re in an embarrassing situation or were trying to hide from someone or something, the feeling of being overlooked is not pleasant. We all hate being an outcast. It’s hard on our hearts to be physically present and yet not seen by others. At the same time, we are all a little afraid of being fully seen, for we know that there is a part of ourselves that, if people knew, may cause people to reject us or wish us gone.

It’s fascinating to me that one of the superpowers of comic heroes is invisibility. A better superpower would be to be fully seen but never harmed. That is what Jesus offers us. The story of Jesus coming for Peter in LOVE, knowing all of Peter’s faults, insecurities, and mistakes is very encouraging and hopeful.
Peter denied Jesus. Yet, Jesus sees Peter and still loves him, provides for him, shares a meal with him, and entrusts him with a mission.
Today, I want to remind YOU that JESUS SEES YOU, all of who you are, and JESUS LOVES YOU. You probably know this or heard it thousands of times. But today, let it sink in. Deep.

I hope you enjoy the devotional this week. If you haven't yet, consider subscribing to my YouTube, so you don't miss a thing.
Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast.” None of the disciples dared ask him, “Who are you?” They knew it was the Lord. John 21:12

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