The fifth lesson in our Bible Study series on the letter of James, which was live streamed on April 29, 2020. To view/download the corresponding slideshow, please visit:

The lesson was originally on James 1:16-18, but we included James 1:15 to finish our previous lesson, "Blessed Assuring, Beware of the Luring" (Jas 1:12-14).

During trials -- which can test our faith, which can produce perseverance, which can perfect our Christ-like-character (Jas 1:1-4, "Growing Pains") -- we must remember that God is not enticing us to sin (cf. Jas 1:13).

Don't be deceived (Jas 1:16). God gives good gifts -- including godly wisdom (Jas 1:5-8, "Unwavering Request for Wisdom") in the midst of trials.

God's gifts are perfect. Though not always pleasurable, they are given to accomplish an intended purpose.

The One who gives good and perfect gifts is the Father (i.e., Creator) of the heavenly lights (i.e., the sun, moon, stars, etc.). The position of the stars does not determine our destiny; God is sovereign over all.

Though the apparent position of the heavenly lights constantly change like shifting shadows, our faithful Father does not. His love and goodness never changes. There is no "shadow of turning" with Him; Great is His faithfulness.

While our sinful desire conceives and gives birth to sin, which gives birth to death (Jas 1:15), God's desire brings about spiritual new birth -- through the word of truth (i.e., the gospel) (Jas 1:18). A "Divine Delivery".

Our faithful Father gives us new life, so that we might be the firstfruits -- the first installment of all creation that will be redeemed.