Joseph Prince Falsely Teaches That Confession Of Sins Is Not For Believers In 1 John 1:9: Part 1

Peter Tok Yi Xiang’s Testimony about His Journey with New Creation Church (2014-2020) & the False Teachings of Joseph Prince:

This video is Part 1 of a series of 3 on the same topic. By now, many of you would be aware that Joseph Prince teaches the false doctrine that there is no place for believers to confess their sins to be forgiven as all their sins have been forgiven at the cross. This is based on his argument that while 1 John chapters 2-5 were written for believers, 1 John chapter 1, of which 1 John 1:9 is located, was written to unbelievers, not believers. This only goes to show the recklessness of Joseph Prince who dares to teach such a view even though it can be so easily disproven.

Let’s start by focusing on a few keywords in 1 John 1:9. The first keyword is ‘we’. The Apostle John said, “If we confess our sins ...” Since the author, John uses the word, ‘we’, he is including himself as one among those who needs to confess his sins in order to obtain forgiveness. Is John a believer or an unbeliever? A believer, of course! John, as the author, is using the words ‘we’, ‘our’ and ‘us’, as he is representing all believers who need to confess their sins. Therefore, it is impossible that John was referring to the unsaved people of the world when he used the pronouns ‘we’, ‘our’ and ‘us’. How can John lump himself who is saved together with the unsaved people by using the words ‘we’, ‘our’ and ‘us’? When John used the terms ‘we’, ‘our’ and ‘us’
he was referring to Christians, such as himself, not unbelievers.

Furthermore, the Greek is even more explicitly against Joseph Prince’s interpretation since the word, ‘confess’ in the Greek in 1 John 1:9 speaks of continuous, present action as opposed to a one-time act. This means that we, as believers, are to confess our sins on a regular basis. It does not refer to a one-time confession of sins for unbelievers to receive Christ for salvation
as Joseph Prince has falsely made it out to be. In other words, confessing of sins when a Christian sins from time to time is an on-going affair, but the confessing of sins for unbelievers to receive Christ as Saviour and Lord is a one-time act. So, the confessing of sins in 1 John 1:9, which is a continuous and present action, is definitely referring to believers and not to unbelievers as claimed by Joseph Prince.

There are also other reasons I have given in this video that have proven that 1 John 1:9 was indeed written to believers (not unbelievers) for them to confess their sins to obtain forgiveness from God. I have come to the end of Part 1. Remember, there are two more parts, Parts 2 and 3 that you mustn’t miss.

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