The recent news from Kamloops B.C. from the former residential school site has gripped our nation with grief and lament. Lament is an appropriate start, but lament is not enough. We read from 2 Chronicles chapter 12 and see how the story of King Rehoboam echoes today in Canada, the western church, and our denomination. Healing and reconciliation are key elements to the church's ministry in Canada in the twenty-first century. Following Jesus leads down pathways to reconciliation and reformation.
This week we worship with prayer, a reflection about healing and reconciliation with Indigenous communities based on 2 Chronicles 12:1-12.
Thank you for joining us for our online worship service for Sunday, June 6, 2021. Thank you for stopping by the St. John's Grimsby Home Edition.

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As part of our service and video presentation, we are using the following hymns

Simply Trusting Everyday
CCLI Song # 3317778
Edgar Page Stites
Public Domain
For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved.

We Grieve the many thousands
Carolyn Gillette.
Lyrics adapted with permission
Under the copyright info.

CCLI License number 2067739

Used with permission from our streaming license
CSPL172731 Size B

St. John's is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Although this is a Presbyterian worship service all are welcomed! After the service please browse our channel to see what else we have been up to .Thank you for worshiping with us today.
