PAUL T MATHEWS, is the National President of the Filadelfia Fellowship Church of India, and the Senior Pastor of the Rajasthan Pentecostal Church in Udaipur. He is the only son of the renowned apostle to North India, especially Rajasthan, Late Dr.Thomas Mathews. He is a popular speaker and an itinerant too. He is also a powerful worship leader and author and a good bible teacher. His heart is into the development of Christian Media and Publishing. He is also associated with the Filadelfia Bible College.
PAUL T MATHEWS, भारत के फिलाडेल्फिया फैलोशिप चर्च के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष और उदयपुर में राजस्थान पेंटेकोस्टल चर्च के वरिष्ठ पादरी हैं। वे उत्तर भारत (विशेषकर राजस्थान) के प्रसिद्ध डॉ। दिवंगत डॉ। थॉमस मैथ्यूज के एकमात्र पुत्र हैं। वह एक लोकप्रिय वक्ता और एक यात्रा-प्रचारक भी हैं। वह एक अच्छे गायक और लेखक और एक अच्छे बाइबिल शिक्षक भी हैं। उनका दिल ईसाई मीडिया और प्रकाशन के विकास में है। वह फिलाडेल्फिया बाइबल कॉलेज से भी जुड़े हुए हैं।

God’s plans for you are to prosper and not to harm you
# Acts 2:23
- As Peter describes the events from the last days of Jesus, he establishes that everything that happened in Jerusalem regarding the suffering and death of Jesus was by God’s deliberate plan and foreknowledge. It was not the Jews, Romans or the conspirators who succeeded but it was all God’s plan and His foreknowledge.

# Acts 4:28
- In their prayer to God, the First Apostles declare that everything that the conspirators did to Jesus was by God’s power and will. It means they realized that God was in control even in those adverse situations and they happened by His consent and will.
This realization made them understand every persecution that they were now going through.

# Today, we are facing adverse situations all around; uncertain future related to jobs, income, businesses. Amidst all these confusions, God is with you and He wants you to know that all of these are by His plan, will and foreknowledge. We may question God; about why Jesus had to suffer so much or why we have to suffer so much today? We may even think “God, things should be easy for you.” We may question His plans and purposes but the Bible reminds us that His plans for us are to prosper, to give hope and a future and not to harm us.

# Psalms 23:4 says “walk through the darkest valley” and not “walk avoiding the darkest valley”.
- Isaiah 43:2 says through the waters, rivers and fire, God is with us. We need to know that if God protects us from adverse situations sometimes, then there are also times when God protects us in adverse situations.

# Imagine how much better everything would have been if this coronavirus would not have ever come! If God allowed this, it means He has already cared for us beforehand.
- In 1 Kings 17, God asks Elijah to give the King a message. After he does this, Elijah runs off and hides in the Kerith Ravine. Twice, in 1 Kings 17, God says He has directed. First, He has directed the ravens to bring food for Elijah. Later, God says He has directed a widow (not a rich person) at Zarephath (a hostile territory) to supply him with food.
- God does not work as per our situations, rather our situations are under the authority of our God. We need to believe this.

# Our response: We need to thank God and keep praying; asking God what do you want to tell me now?
- Ephesians 5:16-17 says “making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.” Make most of the opportunity you have, during these hard times, to know what Lord’s will is. We can know His will for us and can fulfill His will. And we need to believe that His will for us is for our good.
- Rejoice because everything that happened with Jesus and all that is happening with us today is by God’s plan, will and foreknowledge. Does it mean we stay idle looking at all of this? No! Jesus asked the first-century believers “to wait”. This “waiting” consisted of being in prayer, in solitude, in worship adoring God.

- How are you spending your time these days? Are you spending most of your time on social media and only any spare time to pray? I pray that during these situations you grow more in the knowledge of Word of God, that you experience Jesus, that angels visit you, that your prayers are full of faith, that your touch has God’s anointing, that you have tears in your eyes, that you pray continually not for yourselves but the needs of others.

- This lockdown is not for your harm but let it rather be the cause of your spiritual, physical, domestic and social prosperity. Remember, God knows everything that is happening with us today and He has already prepared a way for this.