Continuing his study of the significant events in Mark chapter 14 preceding Jesus’s crucifixion, Pastor Evan Brown looks at the betrayal (vv 43-50) and arrest (vv 53-65) of Jesus. He poses two questions: (1) What can each of us personally learn about how Jesus conducts Himself throughout this extremely stressful time? and (2) How can we apply to our own lives what we’ve learned about following the fundamental principles about Kingdom life as we seek God’s will? Evan emphasizes how Jesus deals with the mob and His interrogators who are basing their decisions on false testimony (verses 53-65). He offers practical ways that we can prepare in advance to make wise decisions when possibly finding ourselves in situations in which we might disagree with others’ decisions that we consider to be unfair and ungodly. A key component is maintaining self-control. (You may also want to refer to last week’s teaching on Colossians 3:12-14.)

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