- Within 9 minutes and 50 seconds within this video, I need to clarify that I did not speak on that topic on the Teshuvah Style! | "Warm-Up", nor "Introduction To YaHWeHs exceLLeNce' videos..awkward lol..

- Around 41 minute 54 second mark of this video I meant to say NON-Unleavened Mashaniac Believers.

-Within the 53 minute 28 second mark :) I meant to say death and life are in the power of the tongue. (scripture is mishlay/proverbs 18:21).


What/Who are Unleavened Mashianac Believers? -

2015 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNDcf4YaLIzRaCqQDd8NNT7_FHCcu7IT_
2016 https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNDcf4YaLIzQYbugggK0gSw1kNBv2Xber

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YaHWeHs exceLLeNce [Formerly known as YAHWEH’S ToRaHPHuLHeBReW(™)] is NOT associated with ANY race NOR religious based groups. This includes, but NOT LIMITED to the following groups:

Christianity, Orthodox sect, Conservative sect, Reformed sect or Reconstructionist sect of Judaism, Kabbalah, Chabad, Yahweh ben Yahweh, Black Hebrew, Black Yisraylite groups, AND ANY OTHER race based groups that place the color of a person's skin as a prerequisite of acceptance into their Faith system.

(2 Cor. 9:7)” Each of you should give what you have decided in your desires [lev, heart] to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for YaHWeH loves a cheerful giver.’

(Tehiliym 116:12)- “How Can I repay YaHWeH in the lands of the living.”--You do not give to ‘pay-back’ YaHWeH but rather thanking Him for the blessings you had, are, and shall receive–HaLLeLuYaH!

Bless those who desire to give, but cannot–thank you for your THOUGHTFULNESS :)! I request that one may genuinely pray for this ministry in The Names of YaHWeH, YaHSHuA Hamashyiach and YaHRuaCHKoDeSH alone.

Give unto the place YAHWEH has revealed himself unto you:

If YaHWeH has FED you SPIRITUALLY, and you are able to give in ANY monetary amount–Please give unto the place that YaHWeH, through His Son YaHSHuAs’ Name is placed within by the following :):

All prayers in Yahweh, Yahshua’s Name and/or love-gifts/donations are TREMENDOUSLY appreciated! Father Yahweh WILL be well pleased :). I say thank you in advance to all who considers as such.

Zelle: yahwehstorahphulhebrew@gmail.com
Cash App: $SoulFoodIs
Paypal: torahfulhebrew (Possibly can find me by my Name DeborahYAH Bat YAHWEH)

With Kind Regards and TaNaKh Blessings,