Blow out air and ask someone what color air did they see. YaHWeHs' exceLLeNce, (formerly known as YaHWeHs' ToRaHPHuLHeBReW), mission, is to strive to help mankind RECONNECT 2 ORDER! Informing others about the 1st constitution there was and is--The Set Apart Scriptures. The Creator, Sovereign King and Ruler of the Universe desires MANKIND to walk in fellowship with HIM by keeping the SAME Mitzvot (Teachings - Instructions - Guidelines - Directives - Boundaries - Insights) that YaHSHuA His Son kept when He walked upon this earth. YaHWeHs' TaNaKH is NOT merely a 'history book', as it is the constitution of Mankinds' mission in the universe. The cure to dis-eases, dis-orders, havoc and chaos is by humbling ourselves and turning back (TeSHuVaH [Repent]) to Thee One that is all-knowing, all-powerful and all-seeing--The Almighty One of The Universe: YaHWeH, through His Son YaHSHuA and By The Power of His Spirit, YaHRuaCHKoDeSH. TeHiliYM (Psalms) 51:13 DeBoRaHYaH SePHiYRoT BaT YaHWeH