People have questions. People want answers. Pastor Evan offers insight on the unique way that Jesus answers questions the religious leaders ask Him in their attempts to discredit Him by challenging His authority to do “these things” (Mark 11:27-28). Knowing that these leaders do not really want answers but are testing Him, Jesus responds by asking them His own question (vv 29-30) that stumps them to the point at which they admit that they do not know (vv 31-33). Evan then examines some additional examples in Chapter 12 of how Jesus navigates answering the religious leaders’ questions about the law. The chapter begins with Jesus telling a parable that confirms His God-given authority over the religious leaders’ man-made authority (vv 1-12). It goes on to relate the religious leaders’ further attempts to entrap Jesus (v 13) by questioning Him regarding paying taxes (vv 14-15a), marriage in the resurrection (vv 18-23), and which commandment is the greatest (v 28). Jesus again responds by asking these leaders what Evan refers to as unanswerable questions (vv 15b-17, 24-27, 29-33), causing Jesus’s inquisitors to ultimately stop asking questions altogether (v 34). Jesus then continues to teach in the temple, asking His own trick question about the son of David (vv 35-37), warning His followers about the hypocrisy of the scribes (vv 38-40), and commenting on the difference between how the rich and the poor widow bring their offerings to the Lord (vv 41-44). Our assignment is to follow Jesus, our Anchor, and stay focused on Him and His wisdom, peace, and presence, and not on the world.


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