We continue our Lenten journey by reading Mark 7:18-19. Some teachers of the Law were trying to make Jesus look foolish by asking him question about foods that would make a person spiritually unclean. Jesus says that food cannot make a person spiritually unclean. Some rules and laws are very beneficial and truly helpful. Some rules are rooted in untruth.

Your Encouragement for Today:
Since no food makes us spiritually unclean we, share a favourite recipe with someone today. You can use email text or social media. You can also leave a comment with a link to a favourite recipe on this video.

For more encouraging videos please visit:

Whether you are part of a church community or not, these videos will give you hope and encouragement. If you are part of another church community, they are likely doing great things this Lent, so don't give up your commitment to them. Rather we invite you to visit these videos as often as you like to find hope and encouragement for your day. You can watch all 40 videos, but if you miss some along the way, don't worry... Just don't give up.

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St. John's Presbyterian Church in Grimsby is a part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada.
