You can be Confident! - Today, I want to remind you: You’ve been rescued!
Years ago, my sister “Cuqui” (her real name is Lizette) rescued my siblings and me. A group of tough boys determined to break into our apartment via our fire escape window and beat us up. We were terrified! We lived in the South Bronx, and this gang harassed us daily.
That afternoon, my mother and two brothers were at work, so our 19-year-old sister was left to fight for us little ones. She sat at the windowsill, looking down and yelling at the angry mob climbing up the ladder. She did her best to discourage them from approaching our window. She threw down books, boots, and anything heavy we could find in our tiny apartment and eventually poured hot water over the gangsters. One of them got angrier and made it to the top of the stairs, but my sister’s adrenaline-pumped fear and the buckle side of a belt on her hand sent him back down the ladder whimpering. From that day, my sister became my hero. She risked her life for ours! My sister rescued me from a momentary situation, but Jesus rescued me (and you) from an eternal one.
In today’s reading, King David’s perspective of the Lord’s power to deliver inspires him to declare the hope of the Lord’s vindication. He proclaims the Divine Warrior’s victory. God will triumphantly subdue the enemies. They had planned to destroy the righteous, but the Lord will bring them down to the lowest parts of the earth. GOD’S JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL!
Therefore, though evil seems to be winning the day, David is confident enough to express JOY! The king will rejoice in God.  He will be happy, praise and even boast in the Lord. 
The deception of the enemy will once and for all be silenced!
Think of a time when you were rescued by another person and name a few attributes of that person. Did you think of courage, selflessness, strength, or boldness? Totally! Jesus gave it all for us. He conquered our greatest enemy, death.
Are you frustrated? Do you feel weak? Are you discouraged? Does it seem like the “enemy” is winning? Remember. You’ve been rescued by the almighty God, King of kings, Lord of lords, Creator of the universe. Nothing can snatch you from his hands.
Even if you are in the middle of a fire, you feel weak or in trial or pain…God’s faithful love is worth more than gold. It is better than life. 
Don’t measure God by your circumstances. Measure your circumstances by your Almighty God.
In this time of trouble, stand in your confidence that the LORD is victorious. He will put the enemy to shame, and before the Lord, every knee will bow before the LORD, and every tongue will acknowledge GOD.