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Ken Ham

Ken Ham

Kenneth Alfred Ham (born October 20, 1951) is the Australian-born president of Answers in Genesis USA. A vocal advocate for a young Earth and a literal interpretation of the Book of Genesis, his cross-country speaking tours and many books make him one of the better known young-Earth creationists.

Between 1987 and 1993, Ham worked for the Institute for Creation Research (ICR), one of the oldest American Creationist organisations, and a leading young-Earth organisation.

In 1994, with the assistance of what is now Creation Ministries International (Australia), Ham and colleagues Mark Looy and Mike Zovath set up Creation Science Ministries, later renamed Answers in Genesis. The Christian ministry specialises in Young Earth Creationism, and is primarily devoted to convincing people that the initial chapters in Genesis should be taken as literally true and historically accurate.

For his contributions to evangelism, he has been granted two honorary degrees (by Temple Baptist College in 1997 and by Liberty University in 2004). Answers in Genesis opened its $27 million, 70,000 sq ft (6,500 m2) Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky on May 28, 2007.
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It is not a matter of whether one is biased or not. It is really a question of which bias is the best bias with which to be biased.
They haven't eliminated religion from the public school. They have eliminated Christianity and have replaced it with an anti-God religion—humanism.
Evolution is a religion; it is not science!
Every single Biblical doctrine of theology, directly or indirectly, ultimately has its basis in the book of Genesis.
We Christians must build all of our thinking in every area on the Bible. We must start with God's Word, not the word of finite, fallible man. We must judge what people say on the basis of what God's Word says—not the other way around.
When Christian absolutes were the basis of society, immoral activities such as homosexual or lesbian lifestyles and abortion were outlawed. There has been a fundamental shift. Our society is now based on a relative morality: that is, a person can do what he likes and is answerable to no one but himself as long as the majority of people can be persuaded that their interests are not being threatened. This relative morality results in society being told that no one can say anything against those who choose to be sexual deviants, to be public nudists, or to do whatever they want (largely within the confines of the law, which is also changing to become more tolerant of people’s actions).
Church” today is mostly driven by man-made traditions and not by the biblical mandates to defend the Word of God and live by the Word of God.
You did not invent marriage. God did.
Ken Ham  
If you destroy the foundations of anything, the structure will collapse. If you want to destroy any building, you are guaranteed early success if you destroy the foundations.
Trebuie sa reintarim in gandirea noastra si in a ceea a bisericilor noastre crestine ca Biblia este Cuvantul lui Dumnezeu si ca Dumnezeu are autoritate absoluta asupra vietilor noastre. Trebuie sa ascultam ceea ce ne spune El cu privire la principiile de traire in fiecare domeniu al vietii, indiferent de care este parerea altora. Argumentele bazate pe oameni, indreptate inspre opinii, se strecoara in biserica pe multe cai.
Auzim adesea comentarii din partea parintilor, cum ca odraslele lor s-au razvratit impotriva eticii crestine, intreband de ce trebuie sa asculte de regulile parintilor lor. Unul din principalele motive pentru care se intampla acest lucru este ca parintii nu si-au instruit copii dintr-o perspectiva fundationala cu privire la ceea ce trebuie si ce nu trebuie sa faca. In cazurile in care copii vad regulile ca nimic mai mult decat opiniile parintilor lor, de ce sa le mai asculte? Este e diferenta enorna atunci cand parintii ii invata pe copii de la cea mai frageda varsta ca Dumnezeu este Creatorul si ca El a stabilit ceea ce este bine si ce este rau. Regulile vin de la Dumnezeu si prin urmare, trebuie respectate. Este imposibil sa zidesti o cladire fara sa-i asezi fundatii, insa aceasta este ceea ce incearca sa faca multi parinti in educatia copiilor lor. Rezultatele unor asemenea incercari sunt pretutindeni in jurul nostru - o generatie in care tot mai multi il resping pe Dumnezeu si absoluturile crestinismului.
Multi oameni, cand incearca sa justifice de ce au sau nu au o anumita credinta, deseori au multe opinii in loc de motive.
It is not a matter of opinion, yours or mine. It is what God says that matters. The
He that is not with me is against me” (Mat 12:30). If you are not gathering, then you are scattering. If you are not walking in light, then you are walking in darkness! There is no neutral position;  there is no middle ground!
Ken Ham  
An all-out attack on evolutionist thinking is possibly the only real hope our nations have of rescuing themselves from an inevitable social and moral catastrophe.
Ken Ham  
Christians who compromise on millions of years can encourage others toward unbelief concerning God’s Word and the gospel.
Cave paintings done by Indians in America seem to clearly depict a dinosaur. Since scientists accept the mammoth drawings done by Indians, why not the dinosaur-like drawings? However, the evolutionary indoctrination that man didn't live at the same time as dinosaurs preclude evolutionary scientists even considering these drawings as dinosaurs that lived at the same time as the Indians.
Crestinii au standarde pentru bine si rau deoarece accepta ca exista un Creator si ca in calitate de Creator are drept de proprietate asupra creatiei Lui ... Dumnezeu ne-a dat setul lui de instructiuni nu din dusmanie sau din dorinta de a ne rapi bucuria, ci deoarece ne iubeste si stie ce e cel mai bine pentru noi.
you cannot have a political solution for a spiritual problem. You must have spiritual solutions for spiritual problems!
Ken Ham  
Do you realize that, ultimately, every single biblical doctrine of theology directly or indirectly is founded in Genesis 1-11? Why did Jesus die on a cross?—Genesis 1-11. Why is He called “the last Adam” (1Co 15:45)?—Genesis 1-11. Why do we sin?—Genesis 1-11. Why is there death in the world?—Genesis 1-11. Why do you have a seven-day week?—Genesis 1-11. Why do we need new heavens and a new earth?—Genesis 1-11. Why is marriage between one man and one woman?—Genesis 1-11. Is it therefore important? Genesis 1-11 is the foundational history for the whole rest of the Bible!
Ken Ham  

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