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Paul Washer

Paul Washer

Paul Washer (1961 - Present)

Brother Washer is the founder of Heart Cry Missionary society that funds and supports indigenous missionaries all across the world. He served as a missionary personally in Peru for many years. He has a passion for the glory of God and the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Well-known on the internet for the audio and video message: "Shocking Message to Youth" he has been an in-demand speaker for many conventions and gatherings. He has recently published a new book: "The Gospel's Power and Message" that is highly recommended by many.

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Why is Jesus’ saying, “I am!” so important? Because, you’re not!
topics: christianity  
The New Testament leaves no room for the popular evangelical opinion that a person may be truly born again who is apathetic toward righteousness and lives a life of open sin and rebellion.
Realizaţi că ceea ce creştinilor li se pare o ţinută comfortabilă atunci când merg la plajă azi, acum 75 de ani în acestă ţară era catalogat drept ilegal sau o nebunie. Chiar vrei să te verifici dacă eşti neprihănit sau nu? Lucrurile pe care astăzi le facem în văzul tuturor şi cu care facem paradă pe alei, erau privite doar cu puţin timp în urmă ca ilegale sau nebuneşti. Şi se va întâmpla că totul se va întoarce împotriva voastră. Pentru că aţi creat o idee a ce credeţi voi că e binele. Dacă apucaţi să trăiţi suficient de mult, veţi vedea generaţia tânără ridicându-se împotriva voastră şi numindu-vă pe voi habotnici – pentru că nu acceptaţi pedofilia ca stil de viaţă. V-o promit. N-ar trebui să staţi la locul vostru şi să vă gândiţi „nu-s chiar aşa de rău”. Habar nu aveţi...
that I preached them: to be free from their burden. Like Jeremiah, if I do not speak forth this message, “then…in my heart [it becomes] like a burning fire shut up in my bones; and I was weary of holding it back, and I could not.”6 As the apostle Paul exclaimed, “Woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!”7
Problema voastră cu Dumnezeu şi creştinismul nu ţine de intelect. Vă pot asigura de asta. Şi ateismul vostru nu e de antură intelectuală. Vă garantez asta. E de natură morală. Nu mă cert cu nimeni pe marginea existenţei lui Dumnezeu, sau a realităţii lui Isus Hristos, pentru că ştiţi nu numai că există un Dumnezeu, dar ştiţi suficient de multe despre Singurul Dumnezeu Adevărat ca să ştiţi că nu vreţi să ştiţi mai multe despre El, pentru că, a-L cunoaşte înseamnă să vi se ceară să va supuneti domniei Sale, şi asta e, de fapt, problema voastra.
topics: sermon  
Although all believers are subject to many failings and can fall before the smallest temptation, their determination to continue in the faith and their gradual and progressive sanctification are great evidences of salvation and provide a solid ground for assurance. 1
We must recognize that we have not been honest until we have explained to seekers that receiving Christ is the most sensible yet dangerous thing they could ever do. After all, like C. S. Lewis’s Aslan in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, He is not a tame lion, and He certainly is not safe. He has the right to ask anything of those who confess His lordship. The same Jesus who beckons the weary to Himself may also ask everything of them, even sending them forth to lose their lives for His sake in this dark and fallen world.
The desire to be affirmed and appreciated is deadly venom to a man of God, yet it appears that many have been bitten.
The validity of our confession of Jesus Christ’s lordship and of our conversion is evidenced by our obedience to the Father’s will.
In the new covenant, God is calling forth a spiritual nation made up of Jews and Gentiles, and all of them are regenerate and believing. There is not a godly remnant in the true church; that true church is the godly remnant. The Scriptures teach that there will always be believers and unbelievers mixed in the professing church.8 We also understand from the Scriptures and from church history that this harmful state will become more prominent when the church preaches something less than a biblical gospel and neglects church discipline. Nevertheless, the true church is made up of only those who are regenerate, repenting, and believing and who are being conformed to Christ’s image. This is the major difference between the old and new covenants, and we must maintain and proclaim it.
The former work is accomplished through the cross. The latter work is accomplished through the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit, who radically transforms or recreates each member of God’s new covenant people.
Contemporary evangelicalism has been grossly affected by a “once saved always saved” teaching that argues for the possibility of salvation apart from sanctification.
God uses these false prophets to draw out the unbelieving and unregenerate from among His people so that their poison might not spring up and defile many.
Our growth in Christ and our fruit-bearing are dependent upon our volition; however, we must not fail to see that our volition is dependent upon our natures, which have been radically changed through the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit.
We must renounce the present-day methodologies that lead people to trust in a sinner’s prayer and bring them to a persevering “looking unto Christ” in faith.
Let the struggling believer be comforted; let the apathetic church member be warned. The great evidence of true conversion is God’s ongoing work of sanctification in our lives. If we have been saved by grace through faith, we are now God’s “workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we should walk in them” (Eph. 2:8–10). The evidence that God has begun a good work in us is that He continues that work until that final day.28
It is a comfort to know that we will not remain as we are, and yet it is sometimes frightening to think of the fires through which we must pass on the narrow way in order to be rid of what God will not tolerate in us.
The goal of the Christian life is the pursuit of an intimate knowledge of God that leads to a greater estimation of His worth, a greater satisfaction and joy in His person, and a greater giving of oneself for His glory.
Regeneration VS Decisionism
There is not a godly remnant in the true church; that true church is the godly remnant.

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