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For Reading and Meditation:     Ruth 4:18-22

What is the book of Ruth really saying to us? This - through all the mistakes, blunders, heartaches, problems and difficulties of life, God is continually at work, guiding, governing, and controlling all our days. We have seen this thrilling truth illustrated in the life of the little family who, after leaving Bethlehem during a time of famine, made their way to Moab where they met with tragedy and disappointment. When, at last, Naomi, the only survivor from that original family, returns to Bethlehem in company with her daughter-in-law, Ruth, it is to discover that God is able to bring joy out of sorrow, delight out of disappointment and good out of evil. "Many things," said Thomas Erskine, "appear irretrievable to us, but there is nothing irretrievable with God." So learn to drop your anchor into the depths of this reassuring and encouraging revelation - out of every mess God is able to make a message. Never forget that the God and Father of Ruth, Boaz and Naomi, is also the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and through our Kinsman-Redeemer has become our God as well. In heaven He is preparing for us a new home where we will abide with Him forever. Surely the four short chapters of the book of Ruth reveal so much to us of the goodness and sovereignty of God that our lives cannot help but be enriched. God's way is always best; take it and you will obtain its rewards. Take another way, your own way, and all you will get are consequences.

Father, thank You for showing me in such great detail the truth that You have the power and ability to turn a tragedy into a triumph. Help me keep the truths I have learned ever before me. In Jesus' Name I ask it. Amen.

Bible Verses: Ruth 4:18-22

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