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A.W. Tozer

The weakness of much that passes for the Christian faith these days is seen in the readiness of many professed followers of Christ to make any concessions in order to "get along with people," especially with relatives and in-laws. The philosophy of mid-twentieth century Christianity is a philosophy of appeasement. Peace and unity have become the Castor and Pollux of the majority of religious leaders, and truth is regularly sacrificed on their altars. The notion that "peace on earth" as the...

Bible Verses: John 7:5John 3:6Luke 12:51-53

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     John 8:21-36

We saw yesterday that the phenomenon of catharsis comes about not simply through telling someone else our troubles, but when that other person is a warm, accepting and understanding individual. Psychologists believe the explanation for this to be the fact that the warm, accepting manner of the helper is so directly...

Bible Verses: John 8:21-36John 8:11John 3:1-18John 5:24Romans 8:1Romans 8:34Revelation 12:10

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     John 3:1-17

Yesterday';s point about God finding great pleasure in His Son is worth pursuing as so much hangs on it when contrasting the Bible with the sacred books of other faiths. It seems strange to me that God should have so much to say about His Son in the Bible and yet ignore Him when...

Bible Verses: John 3:1-17John 3:16Luke 22:70Matthew 16:16Hebrews 1:3

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Ephesians 2:1-10

A Hindu once said in my presence: "A man may change his acts but not his character." He was saying that a change is possible, but not a vertical change; there can be improvement, modification, a change of attitude, but no deep radical change. The Christian church is not without a sprinkling of what yesterday I called...

Bible Verses: Ephesians 2:1-10Titus 3:1-5Ezekiel 36:26John 3:3-71 Peter 1:23

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Acts 4:1-12

We looked yesterday at the statement to the effect that all religions are the same. We must watch out for such statements, for when they are repeated over and over again, and by seemingly sincere people, we can be brainwashed into accepting them. In 1966, when the first multi-faith service was held in an Anglican church in...

Bible Verses: Acts 4:1-12John 3:1-17John 6:35John 14:6

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George Bowen

" Thou hast considered, Nicodemus, that except God were with him, no man could work such miracles as I have wrought. Thou hast considered, also, that one in whom such celestial power resides, must have a great deal of knowledge respecting the heavens, their marvels, their glories, their inhabitants. Thou wouldst fain hear me speak of these things, and have me enchant thy mind with a description of the amazing things that are found in the paradise of God. I am indeed a teacher come from God,...

Bible Verses: John 3:3

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James Russell Miller

John 3:1-15

Nicodemus is well-known. His story has often been told. We study here, the beginning of his Christian life. It is the fashion to speak slightingly of his coming to Jesus by night. It is sometimes said that it was cowardly. But this may not be a fair criticism. Night may have been the best time for him to make his visit. It may have been the...

Bible Verses: John 3:1-15John 3:3John 3:6

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T. Austin-Sparks

That which is born of the flesh is flesh. (John 3:6)

It is possible for a man to be marked by an
analytical mind, so that he wants to argue out everything, reason out everything
and subject everything to the microscope of his own brain, his own reason, and
just see the whole thing right through in that way – not accept it until he can
understand it like that. And...

Bible Verses: John 3:6

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T. Austin-Sparks

I can guarantee this truth: No one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. (John 3:5 GW)

No one has ever yet been "volitionalized" into the kingdom of God; that is, so
appealed to in their wills to make a decision, and to
determine to be in the kingdom of God, as by the
strength of that decision and that determination to have

Bible Verses: John 3:5

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T. Austin-Sparks

Truly, I tell you with certainty, unless a person is born from above he cannot
see. (John 3:3 ISV)

This is something very searching for us as to our being
children of God, being the spiritual children of the travail of Christ. This is
not something that is extra to the Christian life, or for those who advance to
certain heights and degrees. Right from our new birth, you...

Bible Verses: John 3:3

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