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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     John 2:13-17

We continue thinking about the psalmist's decision to take himself in hand and refrain from relaying his doubts to others. I feel it important at this point to say a further word about repression and expression. Christians, we said earlier, are never to pretend about anything. Whether we worry, covet, resent, hate, we...

Bible Verses: John 2:13-17Luke 24:13-35Galatians 6:2-5

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Acts 2:29-41

Let us pursue the question we asked yesterday: What exactly do we mean by resurrection? Some try to explain the resurrection as resuscitation - the return to life from apparent death. Those holding this view subscribe to what is called "The Swoon Theory." There are two forms of this theory. One maintains that Jesus did...

Bible Verses: Acts 2:29-41John 19:34Luke 24:1-53Mark 16:12

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Luke 24:13-35

The Bible is unique in its varied penmanship. The Scriptures were written over a period of some fifteen hundred years by about forty different penmen, and yet although of such composite character, the book displays an amazing and essential unity. The most wonderful thing about the written Word is that woven through it...

Bible Verses: Luke 24:13-35Psalms 119:81-96Isaiah 40:8Matthew 5:18Matthew 24:35

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Luke 24:28-35

Another thing that brings about a changed perspective when we make our way to the house of God is the reading and exposition of the Scriptures. I make this statement on the assumption that the Scriptures are expounded in your church, for, sadly, in some congregations this is not so. In the days of the psalmist, of...

Bible Verses: Luke 24:28-35Luke 4:16-31Isaiah 11:2Isaiah 61:1Matthew 3:16

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James Smith

JESUS once died for our sins, and He rose for our justification. He lay in the grave as our Substitute, He rose as our Representative. He died that we may live. He lives, and we shall live through Him, and with Him forever. He is risen, having conquered death, reconciled us to God, perfumed the grave, and finished the work which the Father gave Him to do. As He arose, so shall we. As He is gone into heaven, thither should our thoughts, our hopes, and our affections ascend. Jesus is risen, to...

Bible Verses: Luke 24:34

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Charles Spurgeon

The disciples ought to have known Jesus, they had heard his voice so often, and gazed upon that marred face so frequently, that it is wonderful they did not discover him. Yet is it not so with you also? You have not seen Jesus lately. You have been to his table, and you have not met him there. You are in a dark trouble this evening, and though he plainly says, "It is I, be not afraid," yet you cannot discern him. Alas! our eyes are holden. We know his voice; we have looked into his face; we...

Bible Verses: Luke 24:16

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Charles Spurgeon

When the two disciples had reached Emmaus, and were refreshing themselves at the evening meal, the mysterious stranger who had so enchanted them upon the road, took bread and brake it, made himself known to them, and then vanished out of their sight. They had constrained him to abide with them, because the day was far spent; but now, although it was much later, their love was a lamp to their feet, yea, wings also; they forgot the darkness, their weariness was all gone, and forthwith they...

Bible Verses: Luke 24:33Luke 24:35

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Charles Spurgeon

The two disciples on the road to Emmaus had a most profitable journey. Their companion and teacher was the best of tutors; the interpreter one of a thousand, in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. The Lord Jesus condescended to become a preacher of the gospel, and he was not ashamed to exercise his calling before an audience of two persons, neither does he now refuse to become the teacher of even one. Let us court the company of so excellent an Instructor, for till he is...

Bible Verses: Luke 24:27

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James Russell Miller

Luke 24:13-35

Sometime in the afternoon of the day on which Jesus rose, two of His disciples, not apostles - but friends, took a long walk into the country. We are not told why they went to Emmaus. Perhaps they had given up hope. Thus it is too often with Christ's friends in these days, when trouble comes upon them. The bright dreams fade, they grow disheartened and turn away - as if the sacred beliefs they...

Bible Verses: Luke 24:13-35

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James Russell Miller

Luke 24:13-35

Sometime in the afternoon of the day on which Jesus rose, two of His disciples, not apostles - but friends, took a long walk into the country. We are not told why they went to Emmaus. Perhaps they had given up hope. Thus it is too often with Christ's friends in these days, when trouble comes upon them. The bright dreams fade, they grow disheartened and turn away - as if the sacred beliefs they...

Bible Verses: Luke 24:13-35

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