Read & Study the Bible Online - Bible Portal
Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Mark 1:1-13

Those who accept Scripture's teaching concerning God must be prepared to say that He is not only personal, but that He is a plurality of Persons also - a Trinity. The next aspect of God's character we must examine is His triune nature. The doctrine of the Trinity, that God is One yet three separate Persons, is not easy to...

Bible Verses: Mark 1:1-13Genesis 1:26Colossians 1:16Genesis 3:22Isaiah 6:8Matthew 28:16-20John 14:26-27John 15:26-27

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Mark 1:1-12

We continue with the thought that what makes the Bible unique is its Author. Some years ago a cartoon appeared in a Christian magazine depicting a woman at the counter of a lending library asking for a copy of the Bible. "Bible?" muses the attendant. "Bible! Never heard of it. Who's the author?" But don't other religions...

Bible Verses: Mark 1:1-12Matthew 17:1-13Matthew 3:17John 8:181 John 5:9

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Matthew 7:13-29

If the men and women of this world took an unbiased look at Jesus as presented to us in the four Gospels, they would see, as Bishop Stephen Neill put it, that "Jesus Christ is not in the least like anyone else who has ever lived." The way He taught, for example, is not the same as that of any other religious teacher....

Bible Verses: Matthew 7:13-29Mark 1:1-27Matthew 28:18John 5:27Matthew 8:27

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Galatians 4:1-8

The Incarnation, we are saying, is one of the chief distinctives of the Christian faith. But there are some within the Church today who cast doubt on this and many other aspects of Christianity. The Christian faith is being attacked not only from the outside but also from within. The source of these attacks can be...

Bible Verses: Galatians 4:1-8Luke 2:1-11Mark 1:15Romans 10:15

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Charles Spurgeon

"And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after Me, and I will make you to become fishers of men." Mark 1:17

Only by coming after Jesus can we obtain our heart's desire and be really useful to our fellow men. Oh, how we long to be successful fishers for Jesus! We would sacrifice our lives to win souls. But we are tempted to try methods which Jesus would never have tried. Shall we yield to this suggestion of the enemy? If so, we may...

Bible Verses: Mark 1:17

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Charles Spurgeon

When they heard the call of Jesus, Simon and Andrew obeyed at once without demur. If we would always, punctually and with resolute zeal, put in practice what we hear upon the spot, or at the first fit occasion, our attendance at the means of grace, and our reading of good books, could not fail to enrich us spiritually. He will not lose his loaf who has taken care at once to eat it, neither can he be deprived of the benefit of the doctrine who has already acted upon it. Most readers and...

Bible Verses: Mark 1:18

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James Russell Miller

Mark 1:1-8 Luke 3:1-20

Mark's gospel opens with the title of the book, "The beginning of the gospel." It was not a very promising beginning from an earthly point of view. As we look at the gospel now, it is a great river, whose streams run through all Christian lands and into many portions of heathendom. For centuries men sought in vain for the source of the Nile, at last finding it in the...

Bible Verses: Mark 1:1-8Luke 3:1-20Micah 6:8

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James Russell Miller

Mark 1:9-13 Matthew 4:1-11

For thirty years the beautiful life of Jesus had gone on in Nazareth. He differed not from the other children, with whom He played and attended school, except in the stainlessness and sinlessness of His life. He grew up among plain people. The village where He lived was small, and everyone knew all the neighbors. Jesus was a carpenter, as Joseph had been. We may be...

Bible Verses: Mark 1:9-13Matthew 4:1-11Matthew 3:13-17

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