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A.W. Tozer

When we are first converted, especially if we come from a non-Christian background, we are likely to be almost too naive for our own good. The wondrous experience through which we have just passed, or perhaps I should say into which we have entered, has predisposed us to believe in everybody. Our trust in other Christians is likely to be boundless. That there could be hypocrites, double-minded professors, religious pretenders, carnal camp followers, never once enters our minds. The result is...

Bible Verses: Matthew 18:6

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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Romans 16:1-16

A word which the gospel associates with salvation is the word "conversion." Salvation is the offer of divine forgiveness and the gift of eternal life; conversion is the way we enter into that experience and receive the gift. The word "conversion" means to turn about or change one's direction. Though other religions...

Bible Verses: Romans 16:1-16Matthew 18:3Matthew 18:3Isaiah 43:25Isaiah 55:7Micah 7:181 John 1:1-9

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William MacDonald

The psalmist had been going through a rough patch. He saw the wicked prospering in the world, whereas his own life was a nightmare of trouble and suffering. He began to have doubts about the justice of God, the love of God, and the wisdom of God. It seemed as if the Lord rewarded wickedness and punished uprightness.

But Asaph made a noble resolve. He determined not to parade his doubts lest he should stumble any of God's children.

Probably most of us have doubts and questions at...

Bible Verses: Psalms 73:15Matthew 18:6

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William MacDonald

It would be difficult to imagine a more effective and foolproof method of drowning than this. The millstone here was not the small one that was operated by hand, but the great one that was turned by an ass. To have a millstone like that secured around one's neck would mean speedy and inescapable drowning.

At first we might be startled by the vehemence of the Savior's words. He seems to thunder out with unusual condemnation against the sin of offending a little one. What is it that...

Bible Verses: Matthew 18:6

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George Bowen

Many things are becoming in a child that are not in a man; and many things required in a man that are not looked for in a child. The idea here, or one aspect of it, is that we should be made over again, from the very beginning.

Simplicity, freedom from guile, candor, retiringness, affectionateness, trust; these things are not uncommon among children, and are important elements of a Christian's character. Especially is the Christian required to entertain towards God, the feelings that...

Bible Verses: Matthew 18:3

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James Russell Miller

Matthew 18:1-14

Jesus' interest in children appears throughout all the Gospels.

It was a strange question which the disciples brought to Jesus, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" These men, although occupying so sacred a place in their Lord's family, were still very human, and had their natural human ambitions. They even seem not to have been free from the passion for official or political...

Bible Verses: Matthew 18:1-14

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James Russell Miller

Matthew 18:1-14

Jesus' interest in children appears throughout all the Gospels.

It was a strange question which the disciples brought to Jesus, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" These men, although occupying so sacred a place in their Lord's family, were still very human, and had their natural human ambitions. They even seem not to have been free from the passion for official or political...

Bible Verses: Matthew 18:1-14

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Samuel Bagster

The humble … shall increase their joy in the Lord, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. § Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. § The incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit … is very precious in the sight of God. § Love does not parade itself, is not puffed up.Pursue … gentleness....

Bible Verses: Galatians 5:22Isaiah 29:19Matthew 18:3Matthew 18:41 Peter 3:41 Corinthians 13:41 Timothy 6:11Matthew 11:29Isaiah 53:71 Peter 2:211 Peter 2:23

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Samuel Bagster

Abstain from every form of evil. § [Provide] honorable things, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of men. § For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men.But let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or as a busybody in other people’s matters. Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter.For you, brethren, have been called to...

Bible Verses: Romans 14:161 Thessalonians 5:222 Corinthians 8:211 Peter 2:151 Peter 4:151 Peter 4:16Galatians 5:131 Corinthians 8:9Matthew 18:6Matthew 25:40

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