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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     Matthew 6:19-34

We turn now to the next of our Lord's Beatitudes: "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled" (Matthew 5:6). One of the axioms of life is this: everyone thirsts after something. Some thirst for success, some thirst for fame, some...

Bible Verses: Matthew 6:19-34Matthew 5:6John 4:1-14John 6:35Psalms 36:8Isaiah 55:1

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Charles Spurgeon

"Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall He not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?" Matthew 6:30

Clothes are expensive, and poor believers may be led into anxiety as to where their next suit will come from. The soles are thin; how shall we get new shoes? See how our thoughtful LORD has provided against this care. Our heavenly Father clothes the grass of...

Bible Verses: Matthew 6:30

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Charles Spurgeon

God's people are doubly his children, they are his offspring by creation, and they are his sons by adoption in Christ. Hence they are privileged to call him, "Our Father which art in heaven." Father! Oh, what precious word is that. Here is authority: "If I be a Father, where is mine honour?" If ye be sons, where is your obedience? Here is affection mingled with authority; an authority which does not provoke rebellion; an obedience demanded which is most cheerfully rendered-which would not...

Bible Verses: Matthew 6:26

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James Russell Miller

Mark 4:26-32

Jesus loved nature. He saw in it the tokens and expressions of His Father's love and care. It made Him think of His Father. What could be more exquisite, for example, than the thoughts a tiny little flower started in His mind - as we find them expressed in the Sermon on the Mount? He was urging people not to worry, never to be anxious. He wanted to make them fully understand that they were...

Bible Verses: Mark 4:26-32Matthew 6:28-30John 12:24Mark 4:30-32

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James Russell Miller

Matthew 6:19-34

The Christian life is very simple - if only we understand it. It has only one principle - single-hearted devotion to Christ. Paul stated this principle when he said, "To me to live is Christ" (Philippians 1:21) Jesus states it here also when He says, "Seek first His kingdom, and His righteousness."

In our present passage, we have a whole scheme of life.

To begin...

Bible Verses: Matthew 6:19-34Philippians 1:21Philippians 4:6-7

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James Russell Miller

Matthew 6:19-34

The Christian life is very simple - if only we understand it. It has only one principle - single-hearted devotion to Christ. Paul stated this principle when he said, "To me to live is Christ" (Philippians 1:21) Jesus states it here also when He says, "Seek first His kingdom, and His righteousness."

In our present passage, we have a whole scheme of life.

To begin...

Bible Verses: Matthew 6:19-34Philippians 1:21Philippians 4:6-7

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Samuel Bagster

A little that a righteous man has is better than the riches of many wicked. § Better is a little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure with trouble. § Godliness with contentment is great gain … Having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.Give me neither poverty nor riches—feed me with the food allotted to me; lest I be full and deny You, and say, “Who is the Lord?” Or lest I be poor and steal, and profane the name of my God. § Give us this day our daily bread....

Bible Verses: Luke 12:15Psalms 37:16Proverbs 15:161 Timothy 6:61 Timothy 6:8Proverbs 30:8Proverbs 30:9Matthew 6:11Matthew 6:25Luke 22:35Hebrews 13:5

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Samuel Bagster

I bore you on eagles' wings and brought you to myself.”—In his love and in his pity he redeemed them; he lifted them up and carried them all the days of old.—Like an eagle that stirs up its nest, that flutters over its young, spreading out its wings, catching them, bearing them on its pinions, the Lord alone guided him.

Even to your old age I am he, and to gray hairs I will carry you. I have made, and I will bear; I...

Bible Verses: Deuteronomy 1:31Exodus 19:4Isaiah 63:9Deuteronomy 32:11Deuteronomy 32:12Isaiah 46:4Psalms 48:14Psalms 55:22Matthew 6:25Matthew 6:321 Samuel 7:12

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Samuel Bagster

His saints are in Your hand. § The word of the Lord came to [Elijah], saying, “Get away from here and turn eastward, and hide by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan. And it will be that you shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there.” … Then the word of the Lord came to him, saying, “Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there. See, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you.”Do not worry about your life, what...

Bible Verses: Psalms 31:15Deuteronomy 33:31 Kings 17:21 Kings 17:41 Kings 17:81 Kings 17:9Matthew 6:25Matthew 6:32Proverbs 3:5Proverbs 3:61 Peter 5:7

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