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George Fox

George Fox

George Fox (1624 - 1691)

Was an English Dissenter and a founder of the Religious Society of Friends, commonly known as the Quakers or Friends. This was a group the Lord started through the ministry of George Fox. God called him apart from all other forms of Christendom in his day because of the lack of Biblical obedience and holiness.

The emphasis in George Fox's ministry was firstly prophetic. He called out the people of God to show them that they had the Holy Spirit of God and could be taught of Him and not to solely rely on the teachings of ecclesiastical leaders. Secondly, he spoke directly to many ministers in his day to show them they were hirelings and did not have a true shepherds heart for the people of God rather they were seeking after financial gain.

      Founder of the Society of Friends (Quakers). George Fox was born in Drayton-in-the-Clay, Leicestershire, England, the son of Puritan parents. Little is known of his early life, apart from what he wrote in his journal: "In my very young years, I had a gravity and stayedness of mind and spirit not usual in young children. Insomuch that, when I saw old men behave lightly and wantonly toward each other, I had a dislike thereof raise in my heart, and I said within myself, `If ever I come to be a man, surely I shall not do so, nor be so wanton.'"

      At the age of 19, he gained deep, personal assurance of his salvation and began to travel as an itinerant preacher, seeking a return to the simple practices of the New Testament. He abhorred technical theology, and preached a faith borne of experience, freshly fed and guided by the immediate presence of the Holy Spirit.

      Fox was persecuted almost daily, yet his power of endurance was phenomenal. He was beaten with dogwhips, knocked down with fists and stones, brutally struck with pikestaves, hard beset by mobs, incarcerated eight times in the pestilential jails, prisons, castles and dungeons--yet he went straightforward with his mission as though he had discovered some fresh courage which made him impervious to man's inhumanity.

      He undertook as far as possible to let the new life in Christ take its own free course of development in his ministry. He shunned rigid forms and static systems, and for that reason he refused to head a new sect or to start a new denomination, or to begin a new church. He would not build an organization of any kind. His followers at first called themselves "Children of the Light," and later adopted the name "The Society (or Fellowship) of Friends."

      Fox preached and traveled for 40 years throughout England, Scotland, Holland, and America. His life demonstrated the truth of his famous saying, "One man raised by God's power to stand and live in the same spirit the apostle and prophets were in, can shake the country for ten miles around."

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George Fox

Epistle 332

Dear friends,—Who are gathered in the name of Jesus [Mat 18:20], by whom all things were made and created [John 1:3/Heb 1:2], who upholds all things by his word and power [Heb 1:3], and gives the increase [1 Cor: 3:7] of all things; the earth is his, and the fulness thereof [Psa 24:1]. And therefore... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 333

My dear friends in the heavenly relation, and Zion's children, amongst whom the stone that the builders rejected, is elect and precious, and in him Christ, you are elect, who is the head of the corner [Psa 118:22/ 1 Pet 2:6] of God's building; and therefore in the name of Jesus keep your meetings, i... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 335

My dear friends,—All dwell in the love of God, and in his power and truth, that the presence of the Lord God you all may enjoy, who is the life of you all, and the length of your days [Deut 30:20], who hath the breath of all mankind [Job 12:10], and the spirits of all flesh [Num 16:2] in his hand; a... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 336

Dear friends,—In the love of God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, look above all your outward sufferings, and him that is out of truth [John 8:44], that makes you to suffer; and let nothing separate you from the love of God which you have in Christ Jesus [Rom 8:38f], by whom all things were made [John 1:... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 337

Dear friends,—To whom is my love in the seed of life, that bruises the head of the seed of death [Gen 3:15]; and through him you have all life eternal; who is the foundation of the prophets, and the apostles [Eph 2:20], and all God's people, in all ages, their rock to build upon, that will stand the... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 338

My dear friends,—Be valiant for the truth, and the power of it, in the spirit and faith of Jesus, and let no one take your crown [Rev 3:11]; for the saints overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the testimony Jesus [Rev 12:11]. And so fear not the wrath of man, but fear the Lord, and keep your men an... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 339

All my dear friends and brethren, every where, in the name and power of Jesus Christ, your Lord and saviour, life and peace, live and walk, in the Lamb which hath the victory [Rev 17:14]. And so in the humility of Christ, which you have learned of him [Mat 11:29]; and in patience, with which you run... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 34

Friends, I do warn you in the presence of the living God, not to speak the things of God out of the fear of God, at random, in a presumptuous mind; for proud boasters are excluded [Rom 3:27, 2 Tim 3:2] out of the kingdom of God, and with the light of Christ condemned, and with the life, that gave fo... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 340

My dear friends, in New Jersey, and you that go to New Jersey, my desire is, that you may all be kept in the fear of God, and that you may have the Lord in your eye, in all your undertakings. For many eyes of other governments or colonies will be upon you; yea, the Indians, to see how you order your... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 341

My friends,—All you that do know God and Christ your teacher, and are come to be the sons and daughters of the Lord God [2 Cor 6:18], and are in his new covenant; in which you all do know the Lord, and need not any man to say unto you, know the Lord [Jer 31:31-34]. And are heirs of the gospel of pea... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 342

My dear friends and brethren,—That faith, which is the gift of God [Eph 2:8], which all the saints lived in, (and by which they pleased God [Heb 11:6], and had victory [1 Jn 5:4], by which they had access to God [Rom 5:2], and by and in which faith they did walk: and all the just, in all ages and ge... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 343

Friends, in the power and image and truth and wisdom of God, who are come under God and Christ's teaching, (the heavenly and spiritual ma n [1 Cor 15:47],) do not you strive about men, like the carnal Corinthians, that cried, I am of Paul, and I am of Apollos [1 Cor 3:4]. And they that do so, leave ... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 344

Dear Friends,—My love in the Lord Jesus Christ (to you all) in whom I have laboured, and my desires are, the God of all peace, and the son of peace [Luke 10:6], may fill your hearts with his love, and peace, and wisdom, and knowledge, in all things, to do his heavenly glorious will: in that you will... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 345

My dear friends,—To whom is my love in the everlasting seed, that reigns over all, and will overcome all your persecutors, and the devil, that is the cause thereof, who fighteth against the light, (which is the life in Christ,) [John 1:4] as they did against him in the flesh, above sixteen hundred y... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 346

My dear friends,—To whom is my love, and to the rest of Friends that aways. And my desire is, that you may all suffer as lambs of Christ; ‘for when he was reviled, he reviled not again; and he gave his back and cheek to the strikers and smiters, and his hair to be plucked off [Isa 50:6] , and was as... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 347

The apostles heard at Jerusalem, that the Samaritans had received the word of God, and they sent unto them Peter and John [Acts 8:14]. Acts viii. 14. Now Peter and John did not, in opposition, say, we will stay till we have a motion. But as the spirits of the prophets were subject to the prophets [1... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 349

Dear friends,—Keep in the Lord's power, that his kingdom stands in [1 Cor 4:20], and in righteousness, and peace, and joy in the holy ghost [Rom 14:17], which the devil and all his instruments of strife and debate, and sowers of discord [Prov 6:14] among brethren, are out of; and keep that spirit ou... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 35

Stand up ye prophets of the Lord, for the truth upon the earth [Jer 9:3]; quench not your prophecy, neither heed them that despise it [1 Th 19f]; but in that stand which brings you through to the end [Mat 10:22?]. Heed not the eyes of the world, ye prophets of the Lord, but answer that in them all, ... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 351

Friends,—Know what the Lord doth require of you, and all have a sense of that in yourselves, that he doth require; which is, ‘to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God [Mic 6:8].’ Now, the Lord who is merciful and just, holy and righteous, pure and perfect, he doth require, that m... Read More
George Fox

Epistle 352

All my dear friends and brethren, who are gathered by the light, grace, and truth, and power, and spirit of Jesus Christ, to him, the head over all, by whom were all things created, the first-born of every creature, [Col 1:15] and the first-begotten from the dead [Rev 1:5], know him, and the power o... Read More

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