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Greek Word Studies

Address (1941) epikaleomai

Address (1941) (epikaleomai = middle voice of epikaleo from epí = upon + kaléo = call) literally means to call upon and was often used in secular Greek to refer to calling upon deity for any purpose, especially for aid. It also means to invoke (to petition for help or support, make earnest request) ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Apostle (652) apostolos; or here

Apostle (652) (apostolos [word study] from apostello = send in turn from apo = off from + stello = send) (Click for another discussion) which literally means "sent one". Apostolos was a technical word designating an individual sent from someone else with the sender's commission, the necessary creden... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Appeal, appealed (1941) epikaleomai

Address (1941) (epikaleomai = middle voice of epikaleo from epí = upon + kaléo = call) literally means to call upon and was often used in secular Greek to refer to calling upon deity for any purpose, especially for aid. It also means to invoke (to petition for help or support, make earnest request) ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Arise (arose, get/got up, stand/stood) (450) anistemi

Arise (450) (anistemi from ana = up, again + histemi = stand, to cause to stand) means literally to get up, to stand up, to stand again, to cause to rise (thus "to raise"), to stand or be erect (Acts 9:41). To rise from a lying or reclined position. To stand straight up from a prostrate position (Ac... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Believe (4100) pisteuo

Believe (4100) (pisteuo from pistis; pistos; related studies the faith, the obedience of faith) means to consider something to be true and therefore worthy of one’s trust. To accept as true, genuine, or real. To have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something or someone.... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Chose, choose (1586) eklego

Chose (1586) (eklego from ek = out, out of, out from + légo = select, choose) (see also word study on related word eklektos) means literally to select out, single out or choose out of. The idea in eklego speaks of the sizable number from which the selection is made. It implies the taking of a smalle... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Christian (5546) Christianos

Christian (5546) (Christianos from Christós = Christ from chrio = to anoint, so Christ = "Anointed One", 529 times in NT) (Christianos is used 3 times in the NT Acts 11:26; Acts 26:28; 1Peter 4:16) was the name of the disciples or followers of Christ first adopted at Antioch. The meaning of Christia... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Circumcise (verb) (4059) peritemno

Were circumcised (4059) (peritemno from perí = around + témno = cut off - see study of peritome) means literally to cut something off or away ("to cut off around"), signifying a removal of that which has been cut away. In Col 2:11 Paul is using the well known procedure of circumcision not to describ... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Circumcision (4061) peritome

Circumcision (4061) (peritome from perí = around + témno = cut off) refers literally to cutting and removal of the foreskin. As discussed below both the Old and New Testament also use the concept of circumcision in a figurative or metaphorical sense. (See also exposition of Scriptures on Circumcisio... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Controversies (2214) zetesis

Controversies (2214) (zetesis from zetéo = to seek) is a word used by the Greeks to indicate philosophical inquiry. To some extent zetesis is used with this meaning once in the NT, Luke recording... Acts 25:20 "And being at a loss how to investigate such matters, I asked whether he was willing to go... Read More

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