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Greek Word Studies

Proud (5244) huperephanos

Arrogant (5244) (huperephanos from huper = over, above, + phaíno = shine) is the haughty person pictured with his head held high above others. The man who is huperephanos is the one who shows himself above. This man who because of his feeling of personal superiority, regards others with haughtiness.... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Purpose (plan) (1012) boule

Counsel (1012) (boule) when used of man expresses a decision, a purpose or a plan which is the result of inner deliberation. Boule is that which has been purposed and planned. Boule has in it the ideas of intelligence and deliberation. In other words boule describes the result of deliberate determin... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Refute (reprove) (1651) elegcho

Refute (1651) (elegcho or elencho is a primary verb but is related to elegchos = bringing to light) means to bring to the light (to reveal hidden things) with the implication that there is adequate proof of wrongdoing. To expose, to convict, to reprove, to shame or disgrace and thus to rebuke anothe... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Rejoice (Exult, Jump for joy) (21) agalliao

Greatly Rejoice (21) (agalliao from agan = much + hallomai = jump; gush, leap, spring up) means literally to "jump much", "leap for joy", skip and jump with happy excitement and so to be exceedingly joyful, overjoyed or exuberantly happy. The idea is this person shows their excessive, ecstatic joy b... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Riches (wealth) (4149) ploutos

Riches (4149) (ploutos from pletho = to fill) properly denotes abundance, plentitude, and literally is used to refer to material wealth or prosperity (abundance of earthly, temporal goods) which is the meaning in the parable of the seed and the soils (Mt 13:22, Mk 4:19, Lk 8:14 = Material riches are... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Righteous (1342) dikaios (díkaios)

Just (1342) (dikaios from dike = right, just) defines that which is in accordance with high standards of rectitude. It is that which is in right relation to another and so in reference to persons defines the one who is morally and ethically righteous, upright or just Steven Cole... This word sometim... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Sanctify (hallow) (37) hagiazo

Sanctify (37)(hagiazo from hagios [see word study] = holy, set apart) means to set apart for God, to sanctify, to make a person or thing (in the OT altars, days, priests, etc were set apart) the opposite of koinos, which means profane or common. Hiebert adds that... The primary meaning of sanctify i... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Seal, sealed (4972 ) sphragizo

You were sealed (4972) (sphragizo from sphragis = seal, engraved object used to make a mark - denoting ownership, approval, or closure of something normally done by pressing into heated wax usually attached to a document or letter) means to set a seal upon or to mark with a seal. To mark so as to ce... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Sick (770) astheneo

Weak (770) (astheneo from asthenes [see study] = without strength, powerless from a = without + sthenos = strength, bodily vigor) means to be feeble (in any sense), to be diseased, impotent, sick, to lack strength, to be infirm, to be weak. Astheneo is used 33 times in the NAS (Mt 10:8; 25:36, 39; M... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Sinned (verb) (264) hamartano

Sinned (264) (hamartano) literally means to miss the mark (and so not share in the prize). Hamartano means to act contrary to the will and law of God. To commit a wrong. To be in error. Hamartano means to err (err is from Latin errare = to wander or to stray!) which means to wander from the right wa... Read More

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