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Greek Word Studies

Power (1849) exousia

Authorities (1849) (exousia) is derived from éxesti = it is permitted, it is lawful meaning liberty of action. Exousía means the power to do something and was a technical term used in the law courts, of a legal right. "Authority or right is the dominant meaning (of exousia) in the New Testament." (V... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Regeneration (3824) paliggenesia

Regeneration (3824) (paliggenesia or palingenesia from the adverb palin = back, again, back again + noun genesis = origin, race and birth in turn derived from ginomai = cause to be ["gen"-erate], to become, to begin to be or to come into existence) means literally a birth again and so to be born aga... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Reign (936) (basileuo)

Reign (936) (basileuo from basileús = a king, sovereign, monarch) means to be a king, to rule as a king with the implication of one who has total unfettered authority. Basileuo means to be in control in an absolute manner. To control completely or in an absolute manner. Basileuo is used figuratively... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Reserved (5083) tereo

Reserved (5083) (tereo from teros - a guard or warden) (4 more times in 2 Peter) means to keep an eye on, to keep something in view, to hold firmly, to attend carefully, or to watch over it (watchful care - Jesus' prayer to His Father for His disciples - Jn 17:11). Tereo speaks of guarding something... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Resist (withstand) (436) anthistemi

Resist (436) (anthistemi from anti = against + histemi = to cause to stand) is literally to stand or set against. To set one's self against. To withstand. Anthistemi means to arrange in battle against and so pictures a face to face confrontation. It means to set one's self against, to stand firm aga... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Rostrum (968) bema

Judgment seat (968) (bema) (see also Judgment by the Saints) in its most common NT use refers to a raised platform on which an official is seated when rendering judgment on certain legal cases or athletic events. McComiskey writes that In secular Gk. bema is used in the sense of step or stride, as i... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Rule (4165) poimaino

Shepherd (4165) (poimaino from poimen = shepherd) was one who tended flocks like a shepherd and who carried out oversight, protecting, leading, encouraging, discipling, guarding, guiding and feeding ("feed and lead"). Here Peter applies this agricultural term metaphorically to church leaders who wer... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Scatter (1290) diaspora

Scattered (1290) (diaspora noun form of diaspeiro from dia = through + speiro = sow, scatter seed) literally means "through a sowing". "Speiro" is the derivative from which sperma the Greek word for “seed” comes. All this to say that diaspora indicates a scattering abroad which is a technical term t... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Scepter (4464) rhabdos

Scepter (4464) (rhabdos probably related to rhapis = a rod or stick ) is literally a relatively narrow piece of wood of variable length. Depending on the context, rhabdos can describe a rod (including that with which one is beaten or used as an instrument of punishment - see 1 Cor 4:21 below), a sta... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Sorcery (5331) pharmakeia

Sorcery (5331) (pharmakeia from phamakeus = one who prepares or uses magical remedies; from pharmakon = a drug or spell giving potion, but also used of medicinal drugs; English - pharmacy, etc) primarily signified the use of medicine, drugs, spells, then, poisoning and finally sorcery. It was used t... Read More

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