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Athanasian Grail Psalter

Book II

Psalm 42(41) Quemadmodum .2 Like the deer that yearns for running streams, so my soul is yearning for you, my God. .3 My soul is thirsting for God, the God of my life; when can I enter and see the face of God? .4 My tears have become my bread, by night, by day, as I hear it said all the day long: "W... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Gentiles (nation, nations) (1484) ethnos

Gentiles (1484) (ethnos gives us our word "ethnic") in general refers to a multitude (especially persons) associated with one another, living together, united in kinship, culture or traditions and summed up by the words nation, Gentiles (especially when ethnos is plural), people (much like "people g... Read More
Greek Word Studies

Reign (936) (basileuo)

Reign (936) (basileuo from basileús = a king, sovereign, monarch) means to be a king, to rule as a king with the implication of one who has total unfettered authority. Basileuo means to be in control in an absolute manner. To control completely or in an absolute manner. Basileuo is used figuratively... Read More
Horatius Bonar

Religion Without The Holy Ghost

Horatius Bonar"They took no oil with them."—Matthew 25.3 This parable has many sides and aspects. It is prophetical; it is also practical. It suits all ages, but especially the last days. It suits the world, but specially the church of God; "if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinn... Read More
F. W. Grant

The Numerical Structure of the Psalms

The Structure Book I (1 - 41) Christ in the counsel of God the source of all blessing for His people (Israel). Book II (42 - 72) Their ruin, but redemption in the latter days. Book III (73 - 89) The holiness of God in His dealings with them. Book IV (90 - 106) The failed first man replaced by the Se... Read More
Comparative Bible Study

Genesis 47 / Isaiah 66

Genesis 47 / Isaiah 66 3 paragraphs 9 vs. 7 Let us fear God and obey His commands. We will possess the land and provide bread for many. However, punishment will come if we break His commands. Psalm 47 / Revelation 12:17 Our God is the Most High. We will triumph by faith if we honor His way and testi... Read More
G.V. Wigram

A Study of the Psalms: Part 2

I print the Psalms as poetry; they are so in Hebrew. G.V.W. [Publisher's note: In Present Testimony the Psalms are rendered in full as the Authorised Version, here only the notes are reproduced.] First Book (Pss. 1 - 51) "The faithful are looked at as not yet driven out from Jerusalem; hence covenan... Read More
Thomas Watson

The Lord's Prayer 3. The Second Petition in the Lord's Prayer

Thomas Watson'Thy kingdom come.' Matt 6: 10. A soul truly devoted to God, joins heartily in this petition, adveniat regnum tuum, thy kingdom come.' In these words it is implied that God is a king, for he who has a kingdom, can be no less than a king. God is the King of all the earth.' Psa 47: 7. He is a King upo... Read More
Zhiming Yuan

God And China

Zhiming YuanAs Christian faith has spread unprecedentedly far and wide in Mainland China and as millions of Chinese, including hundreds of thousands of intellectuals, became Christians, a significant issue emerged: Is there a relationship between the God we believe in and the historic fate of the Chinese people... Read More
Charles Spurgeon

Preface To Volume 2, Psalms 27-52

Charles SpurgeonPreface to Volume 2, Psalms 27-52 Greatly encouraged by the generous reception given my first volume, I labored diligently and am now able to present the second installment of work. Whether life and health will be given to complete my task, which probably extend to six volumes, remains with our grac... Read More

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