My channel began as a warning for people to prepare for a large CA earthquake coming, as the Lord gave me a dream and interpretation to prepare for it, a confirmation quake in my city, and revealed other things to come. Many things will befall us (even Christians) before the rapture of the church; the large, CA quake to come is just one of them. We need to be prepared spiritually (be walking with Him), mentally (to not lose faith or hope when we have to endure for a time) and physically (food, water, necessities for when "hard times" come). Please pray and seek the Lord on this, be in His Word daily, walk in the Spirit, and pray without ceasing! I share the Word, words of encouragement and exhortation, as well as rebuke, and visions or dreams that He gives me, as the Spirit has guided me to share. Pease share my channel as you are led to. I am a born again Christian! Keep sharing the message of salvation with those that are lost and dying! Thanks and God bless you! Cindy