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Selwyn Hughes

For Reading and Meditation:     John 20:24-31

Jesus Christ accepted worship as God. What other person in his right mind has ever made such a claim? Earlier Simon Peter had made the confession "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God" (Matthew 16:16), which was a profound and powerful statement. Some Bible...

Bible Verses: John 20:24-31Matthew 16:16Matthew 16:1-16Mark 5:1-7Mark 15:39John 1:49John 4:42John 11:24-27

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William MacDonald

The brothers of the Shulamite maiden had sent her to work in the vineyard. She kept so busy tending the vines that she neglected her own vineyard, that is, her personal appearance. Her skin had become swarthy and dried, and no doubt her hair was unkempt.

There is always the danger of neglecting our own vineyard by becoming overly occupied with someone else's. There is the peril, for instance, of becoming so engrossed with the evangelization of the world that one's own family is lost....

Bible Verses: Song of Solomon 1:6Hebrews 2:13Mark 5:19Acts 1:8John 1:41

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William MacDonald

When we are first saved, we think it is so simple, so wonderful that all our relatives will want to believe on the Savior when we tell them. Instead we find in some cases that they are resentful, suspicious and hostile. They act as if we had betrayed them. Finding ourselves in such an atmosphere, we often respond in ways that actually hinder their coming to Christ. Sometimes we lash back at them, then become distant, moody and withdrawn. Or we criticize them for their unChristian lifestyle,...

Bible Verses: Mark 5:19Matthew 5:16

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James Russell Miller

Mark 4:35 to Mark 5:20

"That day when evening came, He said to His disciples - Let us go over to the other side." There were marked days in the life of Jesus - days in which He did special things or said special words, days that were made bright and...

Bible Verses: Mark 4:35Mark 5:20Matthew 16:18Matthew 14:25-27Mark 5:2-5Mark 5:13

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Samuel Bagster

For if I preach the gospel … willingly, I have a reward; but if against my will, I have been entrusted with a stewardship. What is my reward then? That when I preach the gospel, I may present the gospel of Christ without charge. § They called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said … , “We cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.” § The love of Christ compels us.“I was afraid, and went and hid...

Bible Verses: Jeremiah 20:91 Corinthians 9:161 Corinthians 9:171 Corinthians 9:18Acts 4:18Acts 4:19Acts 4:202 Corinthians 5:14Matthew 25:25Matthew 25:26Matthew 25:27Mark 5:19

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